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Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 09:59
Debs wrote: I was going to say that but people know my thoughts on marauding cats!

It IS a down side yes.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 10:20
Yes, cats don't seem to have collars with bells anymore do they. Mr Boo used to have one...don't think he liked it much. Mind you, cats aren't as bad as people. I can't remember where it was but recently a whole load of beautiful songbirds were shot by a group of people. Now thats just plain cruel.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 10:24
nursebean wrote: Yes, cats don't seem to have collars with bells anymore do they. Mr Boo used to have one...don't think he liked it much. Mind you, cats aren't as bad as people. I can't remember where it was but recently a whole load of beautiful songbirds were shot by a group of people. Now thats just plain cruel.

We loved our two dearly but accidents did happen at times. WE were taking about this a few days ago. They got a good ticking off when it happened which was some deterrent.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 10:27
Its just nature isn't it. I can't watch nature programmes because I'm a big wuss...but I don't derive pleasure from watching animals kill each other. Can't bear it!

Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 10:57
It isn't just nature because we wouldn't let a dog catch and kill a cat or a wallaby or a badger for instance. We seem to have different standards for cats when they should be treated the same as dogs. There, I'm off again.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 12:20
Debs wrote: It isn't just nature because we wouldn't let a dog catch and kill a cat or a wallaby or a badger for instance. We seem to have different standards for cats when they should be treated the same as dogs. There, I'm off again.

So your suggestion is what? :smile: Let your dogs onto your neighbour's cat?

(Allegedly this did happen on another forum.... I no longer post on it partly because of that also other issues. If I could have reported this character I would have done).

Unfortunately two wrongs don't make a right.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 12:29
Well whilst sitting here I've just seen him flutter out in the last few seconds. I've been out doing some weeding and sorting so so far so good.

I too have concerns about the local cats . I have put down some pepper stuff. Haven't seen them for a bit.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 12:46
I have a lovely Zebra Finch story. My Dad use to have a pet shop when I was small. ( mainly birds and fishes) One zebra finch had a gammy leg ( I think the leg had died ) so he gave it to my sis to keep in her room. She looked after it and clean it out etc. Anyway one day she couldn't quite get some dust outof the corner of the cage so she got the hoover. I heard her screams OMG and went in. The bird had gone up the hoover so I quickly opened the bag and got it out. It was fine but minus the gammy leg. It lived quite happily and my dad even found it a friend.
"It isn't just nature because we wouldn't let a dog catch and kill a cat or a wallaby or a badger for instance. We seem to have different standards for cats when they should be treated the same as dogs. There, I'm off again."

I'm not sure as you really can, Deb, to be honest.

They are both completely different animals with separate characteristics, not that I'm any kind of expert.

I think all pets have their vices.

I'm not especially a dog person partly because some owners round here seem to regard my garden as their garden with regard their dog. It isn't and I hold the deeds to prove the fact. I haven't had dogs muck to clean up recently but it has happened.

Anyway, sorry the posts seem to have gone down hill in what was intended to be a nice thread.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 18:53
I used to keep zebra finches and a magpie mannakin in a large cage indoors, they were super little birds.
David, if you hang up a sunflower heart feeder the goldfinches will love you forever. When ours bring their little puffball babies to our feeders it's a joy to behold.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
16 May 2014, 19:25
Azureblue wrote: I used to keep zebra finches and a magpie mannakin in a large cage indoors, they were super little birds.
David, if you hang up a sunflower heart feeder the goldfinches will love you forever. When ours bring their little puffball babies to our feeders it's a joy to behold.

Whether it's one of those, I have A feeder hung from the Rowen in front of the house.


It is getting used.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
17 May 2014, 07:04
I had to use the chainsaw last night.....with the utmost reluctance......but I'm happy to see he's still flitting in there this morning.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
17 May 2014, 07:43
I have robins who nest in the old well pump at the back of our house every year. We mow the lawn, use the brush cutter on brambles, have dogs, cats, chickens and ducks roaming around and they have successfully raised a brood each year with no casualties. My cats are too busy catching mice in the fields to worry about birds. Rarely have any casualties.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
17 May 2014, 07:58
Goodness, of course not David, wasn't suggesting that at all, just re read what I wrote, and no, that didn't come over at all. Just wish cats had restrictions too, that's all.
Re: Birds nesting........lawn??
17 May 2014, 08:09
Debs wrote: Goodness, of course not David, wasn't suggesting that at all, just re read what I wrote, and no, that didn't come over at all. Just wish cats had restrictions too, that's all.

So sorry I did find the post on the other forum quite upsetting and maybe tar them all etc.....

Cats are polarizing in opinion and will have their supporters and those who are not to keen.
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