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Non-diet Chat

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My husband has been on Norvasc for about 3-4 months. Is it possible that side effects can take a while to appear? He is having palpitations, where the beat is irregular, and a bit frequently.

Has it been your experience that side effects can take a while to appear with blood pressure meds or any meds?

Thankyou for your time :smile:
This drug (amlodipine - a calcium antagonist) is known to cause palpitations as a side effect. It can occur after having been on the drug for some time. I suggest your OH goes to the doc and gets changed to a different drug. Do you know why this particular drug was chosen? Usually the first drug to be tried is an ACE inhibitor (e.g. ramipril, lisinopril) unless there are certain other indications that a calcium antagonist would be better.
@carorees--Thankyou so much for your reply, it really means so much

. At least for tonight, knowing this fact, can ease us for the time to get a good nights rest.

Hubby can't get into his gp at all tomorrow, but they have said ring early to see if cancelations can get him an appt.

If that fails, I will demand he be able to at least speak to his gp on the phone between consults.

Could he take half his dose if he can't reach his gp until Monday?
With other bp meds he was having respiratory cough, headache and leg cramps.
Have PM'ed you! But before I saw your latest post here. What was the previous medication please?

I think I sent you duplicate pms.
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