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Choose your cocktail:

Poll ended at 08 Dec 2014, 04:38

Finest rose champagne
Sage and pomegranate cosmopolitan
Swanky G&T made with gin, anise tonic, apple-celery juice, spiced fennel salt rim and lemon ice
Raspberry mojito
Pomegranate and cranberry juice with ginger ale
Total votes : 35

Great choices Karen ! :like:

I used to love Champagne rosé but that makes me sick now so no way I would drink some, I chose the raspberry mojito instead
I wanted to tick all the drinks available. :razz:
However, Pomegranate and sage cosmopolitan will do for starters. :)

@Manderley, champagne does the same to me now also. :(
I don't drink alcohol (long story short - super taster for particular compound which makes most alcohol unbearably bitter) but I like the sound of all the accompaniments to the gin to the point where I'm trying to work out what I can buy/make to try out something similar. What sort of gin tho'? Hendricks or something less floral? Just wondering if this would be good for DH?

ETA: nice looking anise tonic recipe ... 635289.php
@ssure. You need a fruity and floral one like Nolets or Hendricks. It's funny that the link you found is where I had that cocktail! I agree with you, it could be a nice AF drink if you nixt the gin. Don't forget to add a sprig of fennel for garnish.
Champagne for me too - in the absence of a proper margarita - or a Bloody Mary!
We had a couple of bottles of English bubbly for OH's big birthday last year, and despite what you may think, they were very fine. One, from memory was from a Bolney vineyard (home of the current controversy over fracking), and the other from Nyetimber, both in the south. With the changing weather they are producing better and better sparkling wines :confused:
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