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Choose your cocktail:

Poll ended at 08 Dec 2014, 04:38

Finest rose champagne
Sage and pomegranate cosmopolitan
Swanky G&T made with gin, anise tonic, apple-celery juice, spiced fennel salt rim and lemon ice
Raspberry mojito
Pomegranate and cranberry juice with ginger ale
Total votes : 35

OK, time to vote for your cocktails for the party. We are going upmarket this year as a treat for all of our hard work. I shall just make the top three as it got a little busy last year as you were a thirsty lot! :grin: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Looking great Karen.
Very partial to a gin and tonic and this one sounds excellent.

So glad it's a virtual drink as I can barely take a single glass of wine without feeling squiffy these days!
Great choice there!
I must admit, I am a traditionalist so the pink champagne appealed straight away!!!!!
Not sure what it says about me voting on a cocktail at 9 am on the morning....
Ohh goodness karen,what a fab array...will have to think about it for a little while before i decide!x
Looks like being a great party with 75% voting for champagne or gin and 0% for the non-alcoholic alternative :grin:

What day/time will you be doing this virtual party? I was wondering how it will work with people in different time zones.
It's going to start early and end late Carol A!!!!! The Kiwis here will still partying on whilst the Americans are tucked up in their beds sleeping it off! We will stagger it (literally in some cases!) acorss the time zones!!
Shame we only have one vote! I fancy a G&T and some champagne!
@carorees. I'm sure we can manage to pour two down your throat - you have earned it this year :grin:
rawkaren wrote: @carorees. I'm sure we can manage to pour two down your throat - you have earned it this year :grin:

Shay ....Laa

Family saying when someone's being a bit too posh or T'other way.
Champagne is always a good idea :-)
Oh gin it, when do you share the recipes ............. :wink:
Firmly agree with Caroree, I shall go for both G&T and the champers! I am spurred on now to buy and smuggle back pink champers for my birthday!
Fine champers for moi, dear @rawkaren!
A day to celebrate another year of friendship, hard work, health and of course, family.
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