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My experience with contact lenses is that it was difficult at first to put them in, but it really did get easier after a few weeks.
I have pronounced astigmatism, so eventually I got tired of the less-than-perfect correction contacts offered, and I gave up about 17 years ago.

Good luck!
I wore hard lenses for years until 1 day I realised I had
1: Contact lenses
2:Glasses for when I took them out
3:Sun glasses
4:Prescription sun glasses
5:The final straw, reading glasses for when I was wearing the lenses-I have never needed and still don't need reading glasses when my eyes are naked so to speak.
At that point I decided that it was a ridiculous amount of hardware for 1 pair of eyes and happily reverted to specs!
I wore glasses from a young age and hated them - that was in the era when frames were ugly and you got called 4-eyes and as I was already very sensitive about my looks, was not a good time! I got contacts as soon as I was allowed - late teens - and loved them. Can't recall problems with inserting them, even tho I am very squeamish, I was just so glad to be able to use them.
Used hard lenses until I met my OH, who is an optometrist, then changed to soft lenses. Continued to love using them until I got an eye infection which damaged my retina and caused a loss of central vision in my left eye, and I found that my brain could not manage to compensate for this with contacts, but was okay with specs.
So back to specs for me, but of course the frames are SOOOO much better now, and being married to an optometrist does help with the options!!
I only wear contacts very occasionally now when I need some vision but specs are not possible - some stage work, and on water slides.
I don't think much of that is relevant to Ballerina, so forgive me for using this to tell my story!!!
Sassy1 wrote: I don't think much of that is relevant to Ballerina, so forgive me for using this to tell my story!!!

Hey, forgiveness is not required, what a nice story and I enjoyed reading it, thank you. I just hope today goes better and I have no mishaps on the way home, unlike the other day when I treated myself to some toffees as a reward for my eyeball trauma and managed to pull one of my crowns off, grrrr. At £18.50 that was one expensive toffee. Wish me luck,

Ballerina x :heart:
I'm a bit late to the party here but as the others have said its really worth sticking with it .. pardon the pun !
I have had several attempts over the years to wear them but now I wouldn't be without them ... I am an utter wimp when it comes to anything with my eyes and certainly couldn't bear the thought of anything like a laser going near them :lol:

Putting them in does take practice and you will have hiccups .. even now I can't do it first off if anyone is watching .. in a fit of tiredness I have also managed to put two lenses in one eye and wondered why I couldn't see !

I have a weird prescription I have one toric lens for astigmatism and one multi focal took a bit of trial and error to get a good compromise of vision ( mono vision lenses stopped working for me as I got a bit older).

It is so worth it for the freedom it gives ... along with vanity I fly aerobatics with my husband and I was fed up with specs flying off every time we went upside down :shock:
I just hope I can wear them into much older age as I have no intention of giving up flying any time soon !
@RedRobin acrobatics, oh no! In my younger days a friend took me flying but omitted to mention he was going to do barrel rolls, NEVER AGAIN !!! :doh:
I did wonder if at 67 years young I was too old to learn new tricks, like sticking your fingers in your eyes til they hurt but it seems a lot of young folk fare no better than me when they first go down this route so I shall persevere. Yesterday went much better, got the right one in at the 3rd attempt, a new world record was set there, and out at the first attempt so it was all going well til I tried the left eye. Frustration quickly became the buzz word of the moment, I could get it sitting nicely on my eye but every time I removed my finger from my increasingly sore eye the blooming thing stayed stuck to my finger. It took about 20 goes and by then I had one very sore left eye but at least I succeeded, whew! No toffees on the way home for me, I do learn quickly about stupidity and retribution. Hope to fly solo later this week although I am a bit nervous about not having an expert ride shotgun at my eye poking attempts :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
My optician once said that if I lived to110 nature would correct my vision to normal-so I'm aiming for that! :victory:
Just a quick tip .. make sure the finger you are using to poke said eye is wet with the solution that that lenses are cleaned with .. as if not it will stay stuck to your finger when you try and put them in :like:

Also I find that I have to have complete silence so I can hear the little slurp it makes when it sticks to your eye then quickly shut your eye and I gently press on my eyelid to make sure it is firmly stuck and its in the right place

Apologies for anyone reading this whilst eating their breakfast :grin:
Oh dear Ballerina, what trauma your eyes are experiencing, but what a good laugh you have given me. :lol:
I was a contact lens wearer from the age of 18 until some years ago when I had Lasik surgery. I didnt have problems with my contacts but just got sick of them. Love the lasered eyes but now have to wear glasses for reading.
Grrrrr, this is not going well. What is the definition of madness? Yep, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result so I am going to jack the whole thing in after one more try. Today I had a new person and delightful, beautiful even, as she was I just felt it was very much a backward step for me. The lovely young lady does not wear lenses herself, now, that fact in itself should be of no relevance because if it was there would be no male Gynecologists or Obstetricians and what a mess we could all be in without them, but it did become apparent that she had no empathy either, was more interested in her head gear being arranged in the most flattering way and constantly told me that everything I was doing was wrong and she had another appointment soon. All in all, a disaster of eye poking magnitude. The resultant sense of personal failure and disappointment was beyond the importance of the occasion so that was when I decided to walk away from it but felt I owed it to the young lady who, until today, had done such a lot for me and I was definitely making progress. Whatever happens at my next game of 'poke your own eyes til they are red raw and sore' will be my last as I shall request that they just let me take the blasted things home and I can persever in the comfort of my own home, in my own time and not be made to perform silly hand acrobatics like a demented circus monkey! Phew, feel better for that little rant, watch this space dear friends and weep, just like me :geek: :shock: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
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