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Re: Felt embarrassed
15 Nov 2013, 18:38
This thread got really interesting. As @Zamale said, even a half sideward glance would have been sufficient. I agree. Both extremes are inappropriate in a person paid to serve you. He should have politely looked at her and answered briefly. He should not have called her darling or hon or sweetie, or started chatting. Unless she clearly wanted to chat, in which case it's kind of up to management how much chatting with customers is okay. I've had some great chats with the employees in Whole Foods. I think chatting is part of their job description.

The scripted questions drive me crazy. "How's your day going?" "Doing something fun this weekend?" You can't say "No. Bug off." Too rude. But lots of us have lots of days that aren't going well at all, and we certainly don't want to share the details with the checker in the supermarket. Nor would they want to hear the details.

One caveat: I believe that all people who can work in some capacity should be allowed to do so. If the produce guy is autistic, for example, he may not be able to meet your eye, Zamale. We do have to make allowances for people. My cousin who is on the autism spectrum, on the other hand, would just start talking to a customer and never stop until the poor person walked away from him. He is not quite ready for customer service.
Re: Felt embarrassed
15 Nov 2013, 20:23
If you don't think it's cheating Wineoclock, try shredding them and using in a stir fry.

Attention generally (but not always obviously) seems to split up as:-

Younger assistants: no eye contact and get you out of the way as soon as. I've even had an assistant "serve" me - actually just took my money without speaking to me as she was too busy flirting with another assistant!

20's-ish quite chatty, some asking the obviously crib-sheet questions.

Older, mainly ladies, chat about anything and everything and more likely to call you darling, duck (around here) and even sweetheart.

Some of the assistants also seem to need to finish any conversation they are having with a colleague before serving me. Maybe it's me!

Do need to say that many assistants are lovely and do get it right which for me is eye contact and polite.
Re: Felt embarrassed
16 Nov 2013, 06:17
I think Safeway in the UK is like Woolworths in Australia. YOu do get the how are you today from checkout lady but its a forced one. Jamie Oliver is now proudly the "face of Woolworths" and there were some big promos for WW set in London.

Damn it Jamie you should know better. I would never buy fresh food from WW. Stored for months, they pay peanuts to the farmers and peanuts to the cottage industry food producers and simply wrong. Oh well they are one of the big 3.

ive now figured out my grocery shopping such that i avoid WW except for the Mayo and rabbit food that i buy.

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