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Very cute!
Izzy. That was funny..and I did read it with a mekiko accent.
I'll get my coat
I loved that! I read it to OH (in an appalling Mexican accent) and he loved it too!

Thanks for the giggle!
oh god, that was so bad but so good! hahaha, i read it in the accent too.....
Thank you that is just what I needed today. My stomach hurts from laughing! I love your command of Spanish.
Loved it and yes, I was reading it in a ridiculous faux Mexican accent although I hadn't realised that til I read your bit at the end, thanks for that Izzy

Ballerina x :heart:
That made me laugh out loud! Ees corny but funny......
Speedy liked it too x!
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It's a funny joke but it doesn't need the stereotypical accent. Did Ben Elton die in vain?

Many of the contributors to the forum are probably sensitive to the harm that comes from stereotyping the overweight. Broad stereotypes are generally a bad thing. Not the specific, narrow stereotypes I draw upon in my everyday life. Those are golden. But broad stereotypes are a bad thing.

I mean you could make that joke about Pakistanis, a group the UK would be more familiar with, and laboriously write out strained, stereotypical Pakistani accents but it might not have quite the same tone. Granted, Pakistan and the USA don't share a desert border but neither pigs nor white horses speak and that's never slowed down a joke.

In conclusion, would have been funnier if Pepe had skipped the bacon because he was on a fast day.

Wait, what? Ben Elton is alive? What am I paying these people for then?
Duh I had to read the punch line twice bit I got it ha ha thanks izzy
A big shout out to all our Mexican forum members :lol:
I suspect the voices in @izzy and @dashingbob heads actually communicate with each other.
I'm sure no one was offended by your joke @izzy.We all need a good giggle to brighten our day! Big hugs to you! xx :heart: :heart:
I totally agree callyanna, no harm was meant
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