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I hope all goes smoothly with your move. We started moving last Monday, still have stacks of things to move from the old house!! Just don't move in on a Monday and then have a birthday party for 50 people on the Saturday, I'm exhausted.
I hope all goes smoothly with your move. We started moving last Monday, still have stacks of things to move from the old house!! Just don't move in on a Monday and then have a birthday party for 50 people on the Saturday, I'm exhausted.
Sounds fabulous, go off now and enjoy your efforts
Good luck with the move! How wonderful to be able to move in before Xmas! :clover:
Oh, how exciting, I would love to move but not sure where I want to move to so here I stay. Good luck with the move and I hope it's everything you were hoping for

Ballerina x :heart:
Best of luck with this move, Suchard. It can be so stressful but so worthwhile in the end.
Good Luck with your move - a very stressful situation which I have just experienced, but a little different because we have just sold our boat in Crete and returned to Cyprus to live. A week ago we were surrounded by packing boxes, now we are relaxing in a rented apartment - all the worry and stress has gone and we can now look forward. 5:2 has been forgotten for the past 5 weeks - it was more a case of trying to eat rather than eating too much!

Hope you soon settle into your new home........
Oh no I missed this, she'll be gone now...... Anyhow. Good luck and yes how lovely to be in for Xmas.
Hope all is going well with the move! How lovely to be by the sea, I wouldn't be anywhere else :D Looking forward to hearing all about your new place xx
Ooooh exciting. Very best wishes to you in your new home.
I loved living by the sea some 35 years ago, the town filling up with tourists in the summer and getting back the quiet through the winter.
The sea fogs curling up the street like snakes, the fog horn sounding out like a lonely dinosaur. The squabbling seagulls nesting on the roof, producing fluffy bundles.
The wind blowing me over while walking along the cliff, flying kites so high as to almost disappear.
Oooooh it was good! Enjoy and see you on here soon x
Congratulations, you should be there now, I think. In your bed with crisp clean sheets smelling the sea breezes.

I would LOVE to move to the seaside, but hubby hates the sounds of the sea. The constant noise of the water, the noise of seagulls. There's no accounting for taste and in this matter he has none.
Made it! Phew! Been a long time absent - sorry forum chums. Move went really smoothly - despite arriving in Whitstable to storms and weather like they've not had for 50+ years... so immediately battened down the hatches :bugeyes: Amazingly we've now been here for a fortnight already---- most of the time has been unpacking boxes and making ourselves at home. Which has worked, as we're really feeling like it's home and it's all starting to look Christmassy too. Goodness knows how much I've missed going on here... doubt I'll get time to catch up with it all - it's going to be hectic for us all over the next week or so isn't it! Got family descending on us as from tomorrow, which is great as it'll make the new place even more like home and we can start making memories straight away. Wishing you ALL a very happy Christmas - hopefully spent with your loved ones. Will catch up with you again with a bit more time early in the New Year. :heart:
Great to have you back. Have you got you Christmas tree up?
Merr Crimbo Suchard xx
See you in 2014!
:heart: Welcome back Suchard :heart:
Glad all went well with the move :clover: Good luck with your new life by the sea :heart: :heart: :heart: Sue
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