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It's only for 3 to 5 days. A kind of cleansing programm to boost the weight loss a little as well.

I do this kind of programm every year, at the beginning of autumn, mostly. It helps me fighting the changing seasons, the lack of light and sun and feel better.

With a friend, we'll do it next week, monday to friday

What are your thoughts about it ? ... 31,00.html

...wriiten by a medical doctor. Check out his "Bad Science" book and website, too.
I don't agree with all he says.

I don't know for others but for me I do it for years now,just one week without any supplements (so no super expensive stuff) and it really helps me.

Before I did it, autumn was really tough for me, I was sick all the time, felt really low and between october and march, it was a nightmare. Since I do a cleansing, I feel much better.

So is it what we call here "un attrape nigaud" ? Maybe. Is it just a question of state of mind ? Surely. I don't think that "eating" only juices for 3 to 5 days can be that bad for the body. I already do 2 liquid fast a week anyway.

After that I will go back to my usual 4:3
The problem with these juice diets is that juicing the veg/fruit extracts the sugar which you eat and throws away the fibre which is the good part! Although you get vitamins and minerals, most of the energy (1200 cals per day according to the reboot website) most of this will be in the form of sugars and carbohydrates (most fruits and vegetables are mainly carbohydrate). Since lowering carbohydrate through fasting or low carb dieting is the best way to lose weight, I feel that this system is not a good idea as it does not promote fat burning.
Manderley wrote:
I don't know for others but for me I do it for years now,just one week without any supplements (so no super expensive stuff) and it really helps me.

You should see what the good Doctor has to say about The Placebo Effect...
Really I don't care says about the placebo effect. I know it surely is a placebo, I am not naive but, as long as it has a good effect on me, who cares, really ?

Caroline, I am curious, if veg and fruits are full of carbs, what do you eat exactly when you try to avoid carbs ?
Personally I'd be more inclined to just eat fruit & veg for a few days rather than juicing, at least you get all the goodness from the food that way instead of just the sugar :)
I avoid fruit (maybe one piece on some days) and try to eat mainly above ground veggies. Generally the veggies that one has with a meal are not too high in carbs because we are eating the whole thing, but if you extract the juice you eat a lot more carbs. If you put all of the fruit/veg that you would have put through the juicer on your dinner plate instead I think you might struggle to eat it all!

For example, according to calorie count
One orange contains 60-80 cals and about 15g of carbs
One glass of fruit juice contains 110-140 cals and about 26g of carbs

Veg are much lower (e.g. half a cup of broccoli is 30 cal with 6g carbs, a carrot is 35 cal with 8g carbs)
OK, I understand.

So I will do like Moogie suggested, eat only fruits and veg for a few days, even if some of them are not really my cup of tea (like beets for ex)

In fact, the hardest for me will be to not drink coffee or tea at all during these days. Eating raw fruits and veg, or steamed, is not so bad. The only big problem I may have will be the hunger but I read that cinnamon is a good help when it comes to hunger

Thanks for the explnation
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