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Non-diet Chat

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A couple of weeks ago I saw my sister for the first time since the new year - we live a fair distance from each other. Needless to say she couldn't help but comment on my weight loss. Just before we went home she told me her weight - 11st 13lb. Mmmm, that was exactly the same weight as me, although I'm 5'82, she's 5'6".

The following day I text her with a challenge - the person who loses the least weight by 31st August pays for the winner to have their toes minxed at their local beautician. Challenge accepted.

Oh my! We really have got a bit of sibling rivalry here. Texts like eat my fat or a smiley face but no words. She is trying to con me by telling me how bad she has been, then at the end of the week tells me she has lost.

This is all a bit of fun but it has certainly re-motivated me to get some more weight off. In the last 2 weeks I have lost 3lb and I am not going to let her win :wink: .

Anyone else using friends or family to help with their weight loss.
No but a couple of months ago I did manage to convince my parents to pay me £100 if I lost 2.5 stone by christmas. And it wasnt even a bet so I don't lose anything if I dont..well...lose anything lol. Your way sounds much more motivating though!! :)
I have no siblings and my mum is very supportive; so am I when she is on a diet (she does the cabbage soup twice a year and she did 5:2 for 2 weeks).
Can't say that turning weight loss into a competition sounds intriguing to me but each to their own. I believe that we should do whatever works for us in order to achieve a goal, as long as it is not -very- illegal. ;-)
TML13 wrote: I believe that we should do whatever works for us in order to achieve a goal, as long as it is not -very- illegal. ;-)

Haha TML...firstly, what kind of illegal matters sprung to mind with regards to losing weight?? Secondly, just how illegal is acceptable before it becomes very illegal? :)
Wildmissus - both my mother and sister have lost weight over the last year or so, for different reasons. My mum as main carer (with help 4 times a day) for my dad has lost 2 stone over the last 2 years, due to the constant rushing round, and worry over him. She is now the same weight and size as on her wedding day 57 years ago. She was nearly in the obese range, but now has a normal BMI similar to mine. My sister has had a marriage break up and divorce in the last 2 years and has also lost a lot of weight. They are both smaller than me, about 5'2" to my 5'6" . It did make me more conscious of the gain round the midriff, and made me determined to do something about it. There's nothing like being handed your mum's / sister's cast-offs to cause the pride to kick in, and increase motivation to get back to normal size :neutral: :bugeyes:

So I suppose it's 'passive sibling rivalry' - not wanting to be left out, or seen as the one carrying excess weight ... :cool: :wink: that has finally given me the push to lose weight / inches, as well as wanting to get my waist 50% of my height (I suppose there is always an emotional reason as well as a logical one)
TML...know what you mean about competition. I'm one of the least competitive people around, so as long as this rivalry between my sister remains fun and motivational we both win :smile: but the minute I feel like it becomes a competition then I'll just lose interest :frown: . My brother-in-law told me that it has given my sister the kick up the butt she apparently needed despite all the support and encouragement he has given her :confused: . Your very illegal bit has got me thinking :wink: .

Silverdarling, I agree with you logic/emtion there. My sister has always been slimmer than me and I've always accepted that I was the heavy one and been a wee bit envious of her. Over the last few years she has suffered depression and the medication she is on makes it easy for her to put weight on. When she told me that she was the same weight as her I realised that it was possible for me to weigh less than her, although I'm sure that will only be for a short period of time (if at all) :grin: . I expect the reason she accepted the challenge was because she didn't want to weigh more than me. Nonetheless it has been good for both of us. :smile:
I think I've mentioned before that my sister is a body builder, so no way would I try to compete with her :grin:
AbbieTaylor wrote:
TML13 wrote: I believe that we should do whatever works for us in order to achieve a goal, as long as it is not -very- illegal. ;-)

Haha TML...firstly, what kind of illegal matters sprung to mind with regards to losing weight?? Secondly, just how illegal is acceptable before it becomes very illegal? :)

Tweaking our rival's scales so that they will show that they gained? A tad illegal.
Tweaking the brakes of their car so that they won't go to the gym? VERY illegal.

Injecting their fruit with sugar so that they will gain weight? Little illegal.
Injecting them with fat so that they will gain fat weight? VERY illegal.

Adding sugar to a cake and tell them it's sugar free? Not very illegal.
Adding marijuana to a cake so that they will crave for more? VERY illegal.
:shock: :cool: :grin: :razz:
TML, you are so naughty :lol: :lol: :lol: . I'll be seeing my sister again next week as it's her 40th birthday. Mmmmm....I can feel a sugar free cake coming with me!
Naughty? MOI? I'm shocked!!! :-)
Tml!!! :):):):):) thanks for all the examples!!!!
You are most welcome! :-)
The results are in.....but first - my sister was trying to lose weight by being 'good'. She gave me the impression that she was loosing a small amount to begin with but had put on a couple of weeks ago but then a couple of days ago she announced that she started 5:2ing last week :shock: . I was delighted for her but was sure she would lose more weight than me as the first week on a new regime usually shows a good loss.

So 6 weeks ago we both weighed 11st 13lbs
Yesterday I weighed 11st 7lb
Sister weighed 11st 13lb

Yeh, I'm booking an appointment at my local beautician to have my toes minxed courtesy of my sister.

I'm so pleased she's finally come on board as I couldn't see how else she would lose weight. I hope she will stick with it and may be she'll appear on the forum. She is a nurse at a doctors surgery and knows a few people 5:2ing including one of the doctors so should have plenty of support and of course I'll be there for her.

Our new challenge will be for weighing in on 31st October. She should probably win that one if she sticks to 5:2 but it will certainly keep me motivated to loss the last 10 or 12 lbs.

We both win.
Brilliant post. And well done. Enjoy those toes
Well done wildmissus!! :victory:
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