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Non-diet Chat

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Here's the thing, since I changed my WOE in february 2013, I saw big changes on how I apporach food and my diet varies with what's happening in my life or my personality.

Just after my dad died, I didn't eat very well, once a day and mostly Happy Meal stuff (don't judge). I went on for weeks with the wierdest cravings, I couldn't eat more than one type of food for days. Once I only eat cheese for nearly a week ! My personality, which is a bit of an all or nothing type (I am a pure Aries, we are a bit excessive in our approach) showed for the first time in my way of eating, when I began something, anything, I HAD TO finish it, even if it was a big package. So, now, of course, I only have small stuff, just in case.

I was wondering, does your personality or what's happening in your life influence your diets and/or cravings or am I the only one in that case ?

Thanks ! :heart:
Hi Mands, i am a bit all or nothing too..unfortunately it means ive lost but also gained lots of weight over the last thirty odd years ( since i gave up smoking. I smoked a lot,and didnt eat much..and when i stopped smoking i soon had a weight problem,coz suddenly i was overeating!)
Over the years ive tried to do diets perfectly but as soon as i fell off the wagon, i was off it big style!

I think i' m finally learning that if i eat too much one day,all is not lost..i can pick up the pieces the very next day

Stresswise ..if i am moderately stressed i eat lots more..if i am very stressed or very unhappy, i cant eat at all.
Food for most of us is such a very complex issue isnt it with very deep psychological roots..i dont know many who see food as just fuel..for most of us its linked to pleasure and comfort too xx
@CandiceMarie that's exactly me, I have nothing to add! (Minus the smoking)
Well @callanthe at least thats one less vice! X :lol:
I guess one of the key really is to learn to recognize and understand our "patterns". Since I accepted and dealt with the fact that my relationship with food was biased because of the rape 23 years ago, it changed everything, even my body reacts differently.

A friend of mine has a bit of a compulsive behavior and had to change her habits completly as he will have to finish everything he begins, even a huge bag of crisps or a bottle of wine. Also, he has to eat at the same hour every single day or the eat the same things every week. Being in therapy for a while now, he learned that his OCD was because of a childhood trauma. Now he's trying to change few things but it's difficult as it's a big part of his personality and so, of who he is...
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