The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

201 posts Page 1 of 14
Callanthe's 4:3
08 Aug 2015, 13:29
Hello all, I've read this forum for quite a long time and it's time to start my own journal.
I'm not native in English, so bear with me :)
To introduce myself: I'm woman, 31 years old, 181 cm, 98 kg. Last year I lost 15 kg by counting calories and paleolish lifestyle. But due some stressful events and a lack of will the weight has crept back on.
For a year and half I have been exercising quite a lot and I keep it going: 3 hours of weightlifting a week. I had been a cauch potato before starting this training, so I'm really happy with this routine. I train on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Anyway, I need to get my food intake in order. I've found out that I'm not able to keep it low every day anymore, so I've played with 4:3 for a few weeks. I'm fasting on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I have no problem with fast days, but at the beginning, I heavily overate at nonfast days. I set new rules for myself: three days of fasting, three days of counting calories and eating around my TDEE and one day of complete freedom - usually Sunday. Let's see what it brings.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
08 Aug 2015, 20:04
8.8. Fast day
It was really easy because it's very hot outside, almost suffocating. Therefore I had no desire to eat.
I drank lots of water with lemon, cold tea and one cup of black coffee.
In the evening, I had an eggplant with tomato sauce (tomato puree, garlic, onion and lard), piece of dried beef meat and piece of dark chocolate.

Together around 470 calories.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
08 Aug 2015, 22:18
Welcome to the forum and w ell done on todays fast! X
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 06:05
Thank you, @CandiceMarie :)

Today's weight (I'm going to weight myself weekly, on Sunday morning after a fast day). I tend to fluctuate about 1-2 kg "without reason", so it is long-term trend that interests me.

97,2 kg
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 06:33
Welcome and good luck, @Callanthe! I'm a 4:3 girl myself. Hopefully with time your appetite will adjust and you won't have to do so much calorie counting.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 06:42
Thank you @MaryAnn, I very much hope so. With my "all or nothing" mentality this would be very significant improvement :)
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 09:46
Hello and welcome to the forum from me too, your written english is very good, where are you?
I wish you luck.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 09:58
Welcome to the forum @Callanthe well done with your fasts and I hope your plan helps to manage your appetite :clover:
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 11:34
Thank you very much for welcoming me here, @carieoates and @Lizbean.
I'm from Czech republic, it's a small country in the heart of Europe :)
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 16:48
9.8. Free day
I had brunch with friends in a new bistro in the town. I think that Sunday brunches with friends are very cool idea, because I'm saving money thanks to the fasts, so I can treat myself with brunch or lunch at some fancy place. And I will have someting to look forward to whole week.

So, today's food:
Small bag of almonds (45 g)
Scrambled eggs with bacon pieces, toast with butter, mango cheesecake (lovely!), two glasses of homemade lemonade (cucumber and raspberry)
Flat white, two scoops of pistachio ice cream
Neapolitane wafers
Two spring rolls baked in the oven (suprisingly low-cal, I might eat the two remaining tomorrow on the fast day)
Cauliflower mash with garlic and herbs infused lard, three baked chicken wings (I keep the leftover mash for tomorrow as well)

I made popsicles from strawberries, cherries, creme fraiche and honey as a treat for my non-fast days, so I probably will eat one today once they will be frozen.

I'm pleased with myself today, I enjoyed the food, but didn't overeat.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
09 Aug 2015, 18:57
Callanthe wrote: Thank you, @CandiceMarie :)

Today's weight (I'm going to weight myself weekly, on Sunday morning after a fast day). I tend to fluctuate about 1-2 kg "without reason", so it is long-term trend that interests me.

Hi Callanthe. Hey, I think fluctuating has a whole lot to do with being female. :smile: Hormones are always there! :curse: That's why you need other things (measurements, the way clothes fit, etc.) to help you see progress that doesn't always show up immediately on the scale. :wink: Great fast day! Keep it up!

97,2 kg
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
10 Aug 2015, 17:38
10.8. Fast day
I was very busy at work today, which is good for me. Lots of physical work too, not just sitting behind the computer as usually.
Water, black coffee
Two spring rolls, leftover cauliflower mash with lard

Together about 400 cals.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
11 Aug 2015, 19:02
11.8. Non-fast day
Oh, that was a horrible day! Working on behalf of three people, very busy, very stressful. The rest of the week will be no different.
But food- and movement-wise it was very good:

50 g of dark chocolate to keep me going
Beef liver and rice (microwaved, it wasn't good, very dry, I throw some of liver away) around 2 p.m.
Banana and small popsicle (strawberries, yoghurt and dark chocolate and of course sugar)
Turkey Stir fry meat fried on lard (half of the portion for tomorrow fast day), guacamole (1 avo, lots of tomatoes)
The homemade popsicle
Together around 2200-2300 cals, it is still below my TDEE.

Whole day running at the office, packing, unpacking... Judged by the amount of sweat, it was very dense :))
Weightlifting training - very good, I did a few substantial progresses I never have done before, very strong and focused.
Re: Callanthe's 4:3
12 Aug 2015, 17:15
12.8. Fast day
Water, water, water (I even didn't have a coffee) - these hot days are unbearable
Turkey stir fry meat with lard, tomatoes, red pepper
Dried turkey meat
Frozen strawberries

380 cal
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