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Watching a documentary about reversing the ageing process ... ever-Young

One website that talks about it ... _Plan.html

Thoughts given some people are doing 5-2 for longevity?
Fasting stimulates HGH so instead of getting expensive injections, fasting will do the same thing!!

However, the role of HGH in promoting longevity is rather controversial. Here are a couple of scientific papers that review the evidence:
and conclude that the evidence for any longevity effect of HGH is scanty!

As well as HGH though, one has to consider the effects of IGF-1 and a variety of other factors, including sleep and nutrition:

Another interesting question is that of metabolic rate. I have read a theory (explained here: that the reason caloric restriction prolongs life in experimental animals is that the chronic calorie restriction causes a slow down in metabolic rate (something that dieters struggle with and in fact look for ways to increase their metabolic rate so they can eat more). So perhaps instead of looking to boost metabolic rate we should just learn to get by on less calories?!
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