Funny!:-) I haven't mentioned that u can play the skittles on my chest and then where I had the fat sucked off my stomach, it's all wrinkled...surgeon tells me 5 mins b4 surgery that because of my age, I'd "have a few lines there". Yes I had no idea I would look deformed without clothes on, the alarm bells didn't sound till later. I am now going to start staring at people's knees
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12 months ago I had a bakers cyst at rear of left knee and I have only just realised while reading this fine thread and giving the old knees a good inspection - it's gone!!! fasting has zapped it ....... guess it faded away so slowly I did not notice.
My knees aren't too bad, I have thin thighs which look odd with wide hips, I'm probably the only person here who would like fatter thighs! I've lived with them for almost 69 years, they won't change now. My fat is concentrated around my tummy and hips, I've never had a slim waist even though I was always thin until my 50s but I don't think these rolls of fat are ever going to shift, although at my age it doesn't matter so much.
OMG what a way you ladies have with the adjectives I have giggled with your posts. .... Comparing them to food items deflated and otherwise....
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