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Non-diet Chat

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The Wedding went very well thank you - I am very proud to say I now have a DIL!

We had perfect weather, delicious food and lots of champers and dancing.

Now onto the Festive Season - icing the Christmas Cake, wrapping the presents and posting the Cards.

Have a great week everybody, I look forward to the new meet-up date here in Melbs.

cheers Maggie
So glad all went well on the big day @Maggiee. Sounds like everything was just perfect! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
That sounds perfect Maggiee
A great wedding,a new DIL and coming up next...Christmas! X
Hi Melbournites!
I will be in the city on Thursday 30 January, and would be able to meet for coffee from 2.30 on, if anyone is interested and available.
I know that Thursday is a common fasting day but we could help each other through it (and select a meeting place that is NOT known for yummy cakes or such like!!!)
There was also a suggestion that if we want a chocolate fiesta then we could meet just before St Valentine's Day - let me know if that would be a preference.
hi Sassy1,

Unfortunately I'll be on my way to Sydney that day, otherwise I would have loved to hang out.

Hopefully there'll be another time!
No worries jools7, I am sure there will be other times :) Perhaps we could make it a bike ride?!
Ooh, now there's a thought! That would probably be better for more of me than chocolate, not to dis those who need chocolate, but it's generally just not my thing. Did you have any particular time and/or place in mind?
Hi - could do thursday 30th or perhaps another date but I don't ride a bike @sassy1 and @jools7- but I can walk a bit!

Chocolate coffee and/or wine good.

Cheers maggie :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
I'll be starting a new job on the 29th so I can't get away during the day. I too don't ride a bike (or rather, I haven't for years) but I'd be happy to meet for a walk on a weekend.
I'm fine for the 30th.It is a day before my 68th birthday so would be a good excuse to have coffee with new friends.I don't do any riding now but a walk would be great.
Hi again.
Sounds like we have 3 starters for 30th, so please book that in. There may be others who we have yet to hear from... Venue suggestions welcome!

A weekend walk sounds like it has a few supporters - I guess we need to look at locations near to the city (The Tan is the obvious one), unless we all happen to be eastern suburbs, or happy to drive a distance?? Again, suggestions for time and place - eg what part of the weekend suits people best.

And I would still be happy to do a bike ride with janeg, as soon as my physio has given me the all clear.

Cheers! :)
@Carmelk46, @MelbMandy, @Maggiee, @jools7

I will start a new topic for the new meeting date, and see what the level of interest is. But I am more than happy to meet up even if there are only 2-3 of us, if others are.
Yes im still good for thursday - but if we need to change it due to the forecast hot weather that's ok.

Happy to meet perhaps not far from flinders st station or outside coffee shop fed square.

@sassy1 just let me know.

Cheers maggie
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