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My new health habits of 2013
26 Aug 2013, 12:23
Just listing the smaller and bigger changes I've made to my health habits this year. It seems like one change leads to another.

- Im January I started to stand up at work, no more sitting, I think this is what got me started

- started to walk to and from work, discovered I had legs, why not use them?

- quit smoking, changed to electronic cigarettes in March

- started running at least three times a week in May

- began 5:2 in June, and is continously working to improve my eating behaviour

- bought a rowing machine in July, rowing at least three times a week

- committed to never use an elevator again, and no escalator

- recently started taking cold showers

- got myself a FitBit, keeps me more active in general (I have legs!)

- go to bed earlier

- began this "oil pulling" for my dental health, and started to use my electric toothbrush (I hated the sound)

- do pushups or some other similar exercises at least three times a week

Not sure what to do next, probably it's better to focus on solidifying these habits first. But for me it seems like you can start with some small improvement, which will focus your interest on the next step.

What new habits have you built?
I have stopped snacking. It is a very rare occurrence that I will grab a snack as I know I can go from dinner to dinner fasting I know that I can wait until my next meal on a normal eating day if I want something.

I still allow myself an occasional biscuit or something sweet. I eat it straight after a meal and as it is not on an empty stomach I find that one (or two) is enough. I no longer have the temptation to finish a whole pack of biscuits, sweets or chocolate.

I am not so much looking for other things to add to my healthier routine but I am finding that my progress is one of evolution. I am eating less sugar as I am not snacking and when I do eat something bad I don't eat as much of it. In turn I am feeling better and my energy is more stable less of a roller coaster ride. Which means I am less tempted to eat bad food. It is all working in this upward spiral rather than a downward spiral.

Michael H, your list of new habits is amazing and I wish you all the best.
That sounds really great! And I notice your BMI is pretty low too! :smile:

I suppose looking at what you eat as well as how much you eat might be another step. Do you want to try low carb? Or vegetarian? Find out what suits you and makes you feel good. Listen to your body!

I hesitate to mention this ..... but how's your alcohol consumption? The only other thing I can add to this healthy life style. But maybe all this exercise needs a reward now and then!
I find myself more satisfied with my first and "only" serving of food at a meal. It was not unusual to go back for seconds in the past and I just don't have the inclination now....and there is always tomorrow to eat it if I still want it.

It's amazing if you stop to think how much we "were" eating and "not" moving to get where we were. I do feel more justified now in buying higher quality food since we eat less of it and allowing myself the personal time to log some daily activity.

A fitbit you say may want to join our 5:2 group....
Wonderful list, Michael H! I especially want to congratulate you on using ecigs. This is the most important change, on my opinion - to quit "the stinkies". I use ecigs for 3 years now and can not be happier!
Alcohol, I enjoy it more than I should. Since 5:2 I rarely drink during Monday to Thursday, but I'm always looking forward to getting a bit drunk on Friday and Saturday, and wouldn't give it up. Sunday, well, I might drink a little. Drinking 1 or 2 glasses of nice wine daily instead of saving it all and some extra for the weekend would be better, but I can't see it happening.

Frankly, thanks for all your encouraging feeedback, but when looking at the list above, it's painfully obvious what's missing, not health related.

I should stop procrastrinating, or at least deal with it in a better way. Start doing things in the opposite order, horrible and boring tasks first, moving step by step up towards the nice and funny things. Down Up instead of Top Down. It should be on my list, but I can't get myself to it, ouch. All these changes, couldn't some of the spirit of all this spill over into other areas? Being lazy is not pleasant, it's a burden.
If procrastination is your problem, I'm sure this thread will help (NOT!)
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