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Be good to yourself, Moogie. Try not to worry about being on meds. OH has been on anti-coagulants for many years and is a hale and hearty 81 years old--participating in 4-6 exercise classes a week.

Whatever it takes to get your situation under control.

Sending you love and best wishes :heart: :heart: :heart: :clover: :clover: :clover:
I hope you get properly sorted out soon. Thing are always easier to deal with when you have an accurate diagnosis. Take it easy and enjoy your kittens.
It's great to get an update but who'd have thought you would have been poorly for so long. I hope you get sorted soon. Now all we need is an update on your fur balls.
Wishing you the best Moogie and hope it all gets sorted soon. Your positivity is to be admired so hope you can keep it up :clover:
Sorry to read about your setback, hopefully it is short lived and the new medication takes you from strength to strength.
Thanks all :) I'm not really worried about being on meds in the long term, it's better that than having another clot. I'm just keen to put all the hospital stuff behind me and just get on with things!

As for the furballs, they're all well thanks! The kittens are for the snip next week and at this moment are tearing around the house for no apparent reason. Milo has taken to them really well and plays with them, grooms them, cuddles with them etc. Luna (mummy cat) is a bit annoyed with the kits at the moment, I think they're all just keen to get outside at long last, they've been in for months. We've had to wait until the kittens get done so I don't have to stress about letting some out and keeping others in.

First fast in 8 months is going really well, haven't really felt hungry, although I was uber cold this afternoon despite the sunshine! Not feeling any ill effects from it but am looking forward to my dinner. Hopefully getting back to fasting will help me to feel more normal too!
Best of luck with your fasting and wishing you renewed good health xx
Ahhh bless! All good wishes for a recovery winging their way over. It does sound like there is a plan in place, and it's great to hear that you are fasting again - I'm sure that will do you good. Take care, and don't worry about the forum too much,we will all be here when you are ready to come back on a regular basis. :heart:
Hi Moogie,good to get an update on yrself and the kitcats x
See how good felines are at relaxing,stretching and taking it easy? Try to take a leaf from their book!
Its horrid when it's one step forward two back - i guess that's where the word patient comes from - :confused: but try to take it a day at a time and be kind to yourself xox
Good luck with fasting :like: hope it works out ok for you coz i think being back into it will make life feel more " normal"...(tho really fasting isnt that normal is it,so i guess we're all a bit odd on here x! :lol: )
Moogie, very sorry to hear this.
Hope it's under control very soon
Moogie ,maybe some of these suggestions might be useful to you x as someone with longterm life limiting health probs, i know i should take these on board but often forget to.

"I love To-Do lists. I depended on them when I was working outside the home. I’ve depended them since my bed became my office. The one difference is that, pre-illness, I had fancy notepads and appointment books in which to keep my lists. Now I scribble them on any random piece of paper I can find.
A few weeks ago, I realized I could benefit from a Not-To-Do list that would remind me of my limitations—limitations I often ignore either because I’m in denial or because I want to please others. Unfortunately, I always pay the price physically, and that’s not good for me mentally either.

So here’s a Not-To-Do list for those who live day-to-day with chronic pain or illness (or, as is often the case, both).

1. ) DO NOT say “yes” to an activity if your body is saying “no.”

I’ve ignored this Not-To-Do so many times that I’ve lost count. It can be so hard to turn down an activity that makes me feel more like a healthy person. When I break this rule, it’s as if I’m a child again, shouting at my parents: “Look at me! I can ride a bike with one hand!”

My most recent “bout” with ignoring my body began innocently enough about a year ago. Two friends were kind enough to coach me in learning Qigong. I learned movements with wonderful names, such as “Against River Push Boat” and “Huge Dragon Enters Sea.” Then came “Ancient Tree Coils Root.” You imagine that you’re a strong tree, sending roots down into the ground. Unfortunately (for me), you execute this by pointing the tips of your fingers toward the ground, putting your weight all on one leg, and then squatting down on the knee of that leg.

For the first few months, I ignored the “one leg” instruction. I stood on two legs and only squatted down partway. I was listening to my body. But one day, I decided I wasn’t progressing fast enough, so I picked up one leg and went all the way down on the other. My knee went “crunch” and, for several months afterwards, I was limping and had knee pain to add to my daily symptoms. Why did I ignore my body? I was frustrated by my limitations and so I rebelled. Lesson learned though: DO NOT say “yes” to an activity if your body is saying “no.”

2.) DO NOT call yourself names or otherwise speak unkindly to yourself.

Here’s an anecdote from my book How to Be Sick:

At a retreat in the 1990s, teacher Mary Orr told this story:

She was in the middle of a harried day in which she had too much to do and too little time in which to do it. At one point, while in her car, she realized she was talking to herself in a way she would never talk to others. I don’t remember her exact words, but I remember their impact. They resonated with me because of their similarity to the way I often talked to myself:

“How stupid of me to take this route; it’s always full of traffic.”

“I’m so dumb, I forgot to bring my notebook.”

“You clumsy idiot—you dropped your drink again.”

Mary’s story was a wake-up call for me. I’d never call a friend “dumb” or “stupid” or an “idiot.” But I’d called myself those names. The Buddha said: “If you search the whole world over, you will find no one dearer than yourself.” I decided to take his words to heart and so I began to treat myself as if I were a dear friend. The result? I felt so much better, as if I’d shed a tremendous burden—the burden of self-judgment.

A good test for whether you’re treating yourself kindly is to ask if you would speak or act that way toward a loved one in need. If not, don’t speak or act that way toward yourself. It’s hard enough being sick and in pain. There’s never a good reason to add negative self-talk into the mix.

3. ) DO NOT try a treatment just because someone said it cured him or her.

I have a theory about many unconventional treatments. Depending on a person’s condition, it’s possible to spontaneously recover from an ongoing illness. Some people do. When that happens, they attribute their recovery to whatever treatment they happened to be undergoing at the time, no matter how unconventional it was. The reason I think my theory is credible is that I suspect I’d do the same thing were I to wake up not sick tomorrow morning.

So don’t assume that any seemingly magic cure is for you. Do your research, consult with those whom you trust, consider your pocketbook. I like to check my tendency to jump at treatments (I get emails almost every day telling me to try this or try that), by reflecting on how, if this really were a cure for my dysfunctional immune system, it’s highly likely it would be all over the internet on sites I’ve come to trust.

4.) DO NOT wait until the last minute to get ready for something.

Waiting too long is an invitation for a surge in adrenaline to get you through. If you’re like me, that draining sensation of “coming down” off adrenaline is the first sign of a crash. When getting ready (showering and dressing for an appointment, picking up the house for visitors) try doubling the amount of time you think it will take.

5. ) DO NOT strive for a spotless living environment.

Corollary: DO NOT feel bad or criticize yourself for not striving for spotlessness. That would be engaging in unkind self-talk and it’s already on your Not-To-Do list.

6. )DO NOT “shop ‘til you drop.”

That’s for healthy people.

7. )DO NOT wear uncomfortable clothes.

Your body is already struggling. Don’t subject it to restrictive panty hose, tight jeans, high heels (of if you’re a man, whatever the male equivalent would be). Exception: If there’s a special occasion that will give you a mental lift if you break this rule, break it. But remember your reasons for breaking it, so that you don’t slip into negative self-judgment if those too-tight clothes start to chafe or those fancy-looking shoes begin to hurt.

8. )DO NOT think about pleasures from your pre-illness life, freeze them in time, and assume they’d be as much fun today.

Even if you aren’t sick or in pain, life is in constant flux. Among the healthy, relationships change, job conditions change, bodies change. I’m going to write about this soon in a piece I’ve tentatively titled, “Do You Suffer from ‘Good Old Days Syndrome’?”

What would you put on your Not-To-Do list? I’m looking for more items to put on mine, so please share your thoughts with us.

You might also like my article "8 Things I Miss Most as a Result of Chronic Pain and Illness."
© 2013 Toni Bernhard
Hope you get yourself sorted soon I know how hospitals can be on the drag. Good luck with the fasting stuff
So sorry to hear your update Moogie.

Sending all good wishes your way & hoping that the medics will soon get to grips with your condition. Go easy on yourself in the meantime, because it really sounds like you have a lot to contend with........

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Ps another article by this author.. ... or-in-pain x x
Dear Moogie {{{+}}} big hugs and heartfelt sympathy, also tickles for kitties!
I really hope all shall be well for you, time and indeed drugs will tell, and adjusting to this situation is frustrating and a new challenging journey.
Your cyber family is always here for you, you brought us together after all :0)
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