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Non-diet Chat

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Well, that's the hospital appointments for this week sorted.
It looks like my boob worry is innocuous, the mammogram was slightly uncomfortable, but not horrendously painful as some people have had.

Hubby saw his new specialist today and has been told he has to go into hospital for a week so they can do top to toe X-rays, and scans. Bloods, physio, hydrotherapy and check which joints need replacing, drain his knee's of fluid, sort out when they can remove the nodules on his elbows and to scrape the bones of calcified deposits and to see if they can reconnect the tendons of two of his fingers. They can do it all in one week rather than him having to attend for a 1 hour appointment or an x-ray here there and everywhere, which could end up taking a year. I am hoping they can change his mind about disease modifying drugs as well. The last 3 attempts with 3 different drugs didn't go well with horrid side effects. but one did improve his symptoms (but gave a pile of others instead).

I have found out that my spine specialist is moving hospital and is trying to sort out all her present patients before she goes, which means I MAY be in for surgery before the end of October.

Sooo, its looking like we will be needing a laptop for all this (eldest son still needs further surgery as well) to keep in touch with each other. Though hubby's specialist did joke (I think he was joking) about getting us both in at the same time to save on travel costs and time. Ebay selling will be starting again to pay for the travelling its going to cost.
My goodness Julie, that's a lot of stuff! here's hoping all comes out well for you and your family.
Hi Julieathome :grin:

Wishing you all the best during this trying time for you and your family, hope everything goes as you wish! Xx :clover: :heart: :victory:
Best of luck to all of you!
It is good to be able to go in the hospital for a week and do everything. We used to do this with my grandmother because her insurance allows that. It is so annoying to have to go to several different places on several different dates!
Going in at the same time is not a bad idea, assuming that none of you needs a carer while you're in the hospital.
Do keep us updated.
Julie, I really hope everything has the best outcome possible for all of you, good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi Julie Wow that sounds like very good news to me :heart:
Hope they can get you a double private room :heart: :heart:
Then there would be no need for the laptop or the mobile phone texts
A good saving all round including the food bill you won't be paying at home :like: Seriously hope they sort you both out & before the end of the year for you all. Good Luck. :clover: Sue. :clover:
WOW that's all sounding really good, think the double room idea is excellent !

Sounds as though we'll all be celebrating with you during the December festive season :heart: :heart: :heart:
Great news Julie - you'll have to get a move on with your wotsits in the shed tho, if you're to be sorted for xmas! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:clover: :heart: :clover:
Such good news, Julie. Best of luck to you and family.
Wonderful news Julie! I've been hoping and praying that you'd be approved for surgery soon. With you mobile and 5:2 you'll have the rest of the pounds just flying off! :heart: :clover: :)
I hope everything goes well whatever happens! Let us know when y'all go in. :clover:
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:

Lots of the four leaved stuff for you all xxxx
What they all said with {{{+}}}
Really great news, Julie! An unusual kind of family holiday to be sure but you know, why not?
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