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Clothing Sizes
04 Mar 2013, 12:58

What is it with shops and clothing sizes?

I can understand different shops being slightly different in their sizing but the same shop?!

I have just had a delivery of things I ordered from the Next Directory including 2 pairs of size 12 trousers - both regular length.

One pair fits beautifully (I even wondered if they might be a little too big once I have lost another pound or so!) and the other pair I couldn't even get on, they were pull on with a drawstring waist and didn't even get over my thighs! :shock:

Anyone else share my frustrations on this topic?
Re: Clothing Sizes
04 Mar 2013, 13:10
I do share your frustration. Even the identical item in the same size in the same shop can vary.

I heard an expanation for this....apparently in 'cheap' stores (Next would be included in this catagory - basically all mass produced clothes) the pattern cutters cut out the shapes in a large pile of cloth. If the cutter is at even a slight angle the top piece of fabric will be a different size to the bottom piece. If this was a pile of cloth destined to be cut into size 14 trousers this would explain the difference even for the same size.

i hope this makes sense. I often take more than one item of the same size to try to allow for this possible difference.
Re: Clothing Sizes
04 Mar 2013, 13:14
That's interesting, soonaddsup, and makes perfect sense! Still frustrating though!
Re: Clothing Sizes
04 Mar 2013, 14:34
I find UK clothing sizes SO depressing. An American 8 is a 12! Boden finally changed their sizes to ship to the US--probably weren't selling as much as they could when an American size 12 had to order a 16;)
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