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Non-diet Chat

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Spent a lovely bit of time yesterday looking at gloves on the www. I have recently discovered that they do it for me. There is no way I can wear them here as it's too hot, but hey, I can dream.
Anyway, there they were in all their glory, 14 button, riding, leather, silk, cashmere (gasp) yellow, orange, red - you get the picture.
And now, I find that the adverts on my 52fastdiet page are distracting me with gloves! I've never looked at them before- stayed focused on what I'm doing and reading. I'm straying now. HOw do they do it? Is it a conspiracy to keep me browsing? Is it going to chain me even more to the computer? WIll it keep me entertained when I am hungry.
Oh there's more appeared *scurries off* :oops:
You can block these ads from appearing Jane - different ways with different browsers, I use Firefox always. But I think you quite like them actually... :wink:
now if galvanised metal appears I will be hooked... and might have to block them. I'm on safari (sounds exotic!) so might have to at some point.
janeg wrote: now if galvanised metal appears I will be hooked
each to their own...
janeg wrote: I'm on safari
Lucky you! No zebra steaks now - they're so calorific...
Haha, I used to wonder about ads like that too! Now I use them on the site I understand how they do it as the ads come from Google so are totally trustworthy and are tailored to individual interests based on what Google knows. It's very clever and make the ads more effective.

I've tried to keep the number of ads displayed lower for registered users than for guests but as Dom says, you can always user an ad blocker if necessary.
If we use an ad blocker though doesn't it also stop this site's income? I want to support the site so I don't use the ad blocker for this site.
I'll look at gloves all day *sigh* does that earn the site money? It could be my new mission.
Well my ad that has come up is ACTIONFRAUD - Report fraud and crime! Then it exhorts me to Take Action - Take Control! Now that bit fits perfectly with 5:2ing but I don't see much fraud sitting here at home. Now gloves and I might have been interested.
maybug77 wrote: Well my ad that has come up is ACTIONFRAUD - Report fraud and crime!
Mmm, maybe the Google technology isn't perfect yet...

janeg wrote: I'll look at gloves all day *sigh* does that earn the site money?
When you click on an ad link that's when it earns money for the site, I believe.

carorees wrote: If we use an ad blocker though doesn't it also stop this site's income? I want to support the site so I don't use the ad blocker for this site.
I agree with you entirely about the ads Caroline. Read'em, click'em.
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