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This is quite silly but it just hit me!
Judging from most of the posts, most of you eat dinner around 7pm. Depending on what time you wake up, that's around 12 hours of being awake with no food.
Considering that the average Greek eats dinner at 10pm, they would have to wait for 3 more hours. And if they are public servants, working at banks etc and they wake up at 6am, that's one more hour.
Now that is scientific observation for you!!! :geek:
Good point! Must be similar in Spain I guess?
I eat about 7 on Sunday (that's early for us) and then I don't eat anything solid again until 8:00-8:30 pm on Monday. Wednesday to Thursday fast is about 24 hours since we eat around the same time both nights.
carorees wrote: Good point! Must be similar in Spain I guess?

Dunno! But it certainly has to do with the hours that one works daily and the weather.
If you don't leave work before 7-7.30pm you can't have dinner before 9.-9.30pm.
And if the sun is still up you can't have dinner either.
TML13 wrote: And if the sun is still up you can't have dinner either.
I'm guessing Greeks don't like to go north of the Arctic Circle in summer then. Or if they do they lose lots of weight? :wink:
LOL! Nope, they stay in Greece.
That's quite normal for us. We get up between 5 and 6 am depending on what hours we are both working, and then we'll both be home between 7 and 8pm and eat between 8 and 9pm.

It's a long day, but you get used to it. :)
Totally!!! When I was a student and later when I started working I was sleeping for only 4-5 hours. I did it for many years but then fatigue came really strong and I changed my hours a bit.
Wow, you Europeans really eat late compared to the US. We are retired and eat between 5 and 6PM. Gives us a chance to take a walk sometimes. We don't like to have to wait till 8PM to go to a restaurant in Europe when we visit. We are usually starved by then. Creatures of habit I guess. We are going to visit London this year at the end of May, for the first time. Looking foward to seeing your capitol. Not sure if we will stick to 5:2 fast on our vacation.
Just remember dont' wait until you are starving to go eat, dinner is an occasion and it takes at least an an hour or more from start to finish.
Jerseyjoe wrote: Wow, you Europeans really eat late compared to the US. We are retired and eat between 5 and 6PM.

It's rare to find someone back from work at that time in Greece. And even if they are back at 6, they would have to wait for the rest of the family. Kids rarely come back before 8...
Just to give you an idea, if I eat at 5pm it will be a late lunch, not an early dinner...
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