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This is the short and long term weather forecast for LA.

Have fun!
Thanks for the link Simcoeluv, all very interesting.
Glad you had a great holiday & so glad you liked Yosemite - it's a special place & though I was there over 20 years ago I remember the feeling of the place like it was yesterday. Happy memories :heart:
I lived in San Diego for 20 years and then moved to Boulder City (outside Las Vegas). Did you guys come out to see Hoover Dam when you were here? Boulder City is the town that built the dam in the 30's.

Las Vegas is surreal, isn't it? What did you do? There are some top restaurants--not in my budget, though. :lol:
You are right Scotty, the memories from Yosemite will always be with us, doubt if it will have changed much since you were there....apart from even taller trees!! :smile:

Hi bordergirl,
We started our trip in San Diego and really loved the place, we had a night out in The Gas Lamp Quarter, a super meal in a jazz club then had a walk around....think we were the oldest people around!!!! We spent some time in the Old Town, they were getting ready for a special festival so there was plenty going on. Would love to have spent longer there, in fact true of most places we visited.

We passed by Hoover Dam and Boulder City but didn't stop, time constraints again! BUT when flying home we flew over Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and Grand Canyon.....all so clear, what brilliant views.

We stayed at Planet Hollywood in Vegas, we had Lesley Carron's dress that she wore in the film Gigi in a display case in our room....really spooky in the night as it was white and looked really ghostly!! We loved Vegas, only there for 2 nights but saw enough in that time....totally over the top and mad but brilliant. :lol:

Thanks for the interest, it all seems like a dream now.....albeit a fantastic one. :heart:
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