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Non-diet Chat

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Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Izzy, I'm drooling!!!

I'm not eating any carbs today but I thought of a very nice recipe! I discovered a new cereal bar made with all muesli, chocolate and coconut and I thought of mixing it with either vanilla or coconut ice cream. YUM! home made granola. I'm getting some coconut flakes and banana chips tomorrow for I'll add cranberries, dried pineapple, dried papaya, mixed seeds, almonds and some oats, hint of cinnamon, sweetened with maple syrup and held together with coconut oil and an egg white. Yummy with kefir and blueberries.
izzy wrote: I even managed to "hide" some macadamia nuts in this version - OH isn't a fan, but he hasn't even noticed :wink:

Does that mean the batch lasted until he got home? Or did you make up a second batch? :wink:
Sounds yummy, I love granola and nuts!

I made granola 'balls' with coconut flakes, dates, nuts, coconut oil and granola to take to a toddler group today, they are delicious (I've made them before). Unfortunately as I was fasting today I stayed well away from the food and ended up forgetting to take them out of my now I have about a million granola balls to eat tomorrow LOL.
Oh, Izzy you are a naughty girl. Homemade granola is something I forgot all about. Just back from Sainsbury's with maple syrup and sesame seeds.
Mmmmmm, just ate one of the granola things I made yesterday, it was delicious!! Also had maple syrup on oatmeal this morning, you guys are a bad influence!!
Yes - pass it here - I want it!
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