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Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 09:34
WOW, Miffy, how professional!!!
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 09:39
Oh, we used to use the to draw boils too! You mix it to a paste and put it directly onto the spot and it draws all the fluid up through the skin so that it comes to a head and bursts! Obviously not as effective as current antibiotics but we weren't as blessed then!

If you had a particularly evil ward sister and you were dishing it out as a laxative she would insist that you gave it out to 8 patients at the same time as it goes through like a train and we only had banks of 5 loos on the wards! They reckoned it did more good if the recipient held onto it as long as possible!
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 09:45
Miffy, totally out of subject but... have you got any treatment for warts?
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 09:57
I think you can get stuff from the chemist can't you? Can't remember anything effective from back then. Tea tree oil might be worth a try if you want to go natural. My son had a load of tiny ones years ago and they popped up as fast as we got rid of them. I had just started with a
FMS and hubby kept coming home with all these weird things thatvwere supposed to cure it and throwing a wobbly if I didn't try them. He brought a kombucha culture and I was doing kombucha tea at the time. It did nothing for me but my son tried it to see if it would help his hayfever. It did nothing for that either but all his warts fell off! Lol

Now its likely it was just coincidence but there's another option if they are small and hatd to treat individually.
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 10:03
There isn't anything in the chemists here and the way they treat them is very old fashioned and not followed anywhere in the world (plus it's painful).

I've been told to used aspirin (powdered and mixed with a little water into a thick paste) which did some good but you need to leave it on there for at least 8 hours a day and it's not easy. I thought that perhaps there was a good remedy, like Epsom salts for boils.

What's kombucha???
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 11:03
Kombucha is a culture that you add to a mixture of tea and sugar and leave to ferment. You drink the resultant mix which is not unlike a wine vinegar. Its one of those things thats supposed to cure eerything! People pass round the cultures but you can buy them on-line.

Can you get essential oils out there? The pure, aromatherapy ones? A friend of mine used to swear by a blend of tea tree and lemon. Both are strongly antiviral and can be applied neat in the sort of quantity that you would use for a wart.
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 11:05
I don't know if I can but I will certainly look for the, AND kombucha!
Thank you VERY much!!!
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 11:40
In Spain we have fruits salts, which make a fruity flavoured fizzy drink - Does wonders if you've over eaten or indulged - But then again I love Andrews liver salts, so perhaps it's just me ;)
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 11:48
I love Andrews liver salts, so perhaps it's just me ;)
Lynsey, Living on a mountain in Spain....................Forgive me for saying, but, it IS just you :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 12:14
Haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 12:16
Lynsey - I love Andrews liver salts as well!!!
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 12:19
Tomtank, I even get people to bring it in their suitcase for me when they visit - nothing like a good glass to make you feel better ;)
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 12:29
I haven't had liver salts for years, but used to make myself a refreshing drink when I was in my teens, many years ago!

Might treat myself to some later! Can't stop thinking about them now!
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 12:41
Yeah, their name sounds so intriguing -NOT!!! ;-)
Re: Drinking Epsom Salts???
25 May 2013, 12:50
Apple cider vinegar for warts, put on cotton wool and plaster over the top or paint on with cotton wool bud, leave overnight if you can, wart goes black dries up and flakes away! I've done it and it stings, but very effective! It's powerful stuff!
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