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Non-diet Chat

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You have to watch the original ... ata_player, followed by the spoof...hilarious...I like the carb loading and the use of socks and soup cans! ... ata_player
Here's the heavy metal version :lol:
Thank you for the link to the spoof Caroline. Hilarious :lol: I am going to prance round the garden later, I know I have some tins of beans in the cupboard. I think they will do the trick :like:

Love the heavy metal version too GMH. get out there and have some fun!! What harm can it do? :bugeyes:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ankle weights: $5
White tights: $9.99
Camel toe: Priceless
What would we do without you Caroline! You are so wonderful and helpful. :like:
Well it would get you moving around! but in a public park? Is she wearing a wig? :lol:
I can't stop watching this. The gallop is mesmerizing.
Love it! I never exercise but this has inspired me to start! Unfortunately, I just have to wait until I can buy some suitably tight white trousers and two tins of beans! Maybe tomorrow then?!
Mustn't forget the socks StowgateResident, most important! :lol: :lol:
Well my dog walker friend and I thought we might start dogercise...or caninercise...any suggestions - she thinks it would keep people slim, being dragged about a dog park by a large dog - this could be a twosome exercise - one the dog, one the walker. I am visualising running at full tilt (perhaps a little barking if u feel good), quick stop, then fly back in the other direction. Maybe a big leap up, tongue at the ready for a quick lick. Then swap positions, walk quickly and do a downward scooping motion (yes poo pick up time ;>) Be best to wear padding as we get knocked about by large boisterous dogs on a regular basis.
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