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I planned to fast today, but for the first time I changed my mind this morning. It's OK, I'll do it tomorrow, but I had a headache and felt dizzy and a bit sick this morning and the thought of not eating all day was just too much.

So I had a couple of slices of toast for breakfast, a salad and a yoghurt for lunch. All well and good.

But I'm thinking about food. About bread, cheese, cake, chocolate....

Can't switch it off. Keep checking the time to see how long before dinner.

I hate it. Really, really hate it - and I'm so fed up with myself. Why can't I turn it off? Why can't I concentrate on everything I have to do (plenty)? Will I ever stop being like this?

Now, in the old days, this is precisely when I would have bought a big tub of ice cream and gorged on it. I'm not going to do that. But I don't know what to do.
I feel your pain :cry:

Unfortunately I don't have any advice for you because I still find myself feeling like that frequently but wanted to share my sympathy!
I don't know the answer Swedey. I do think you made a great decision swapping fast days when you felt it wasn't achievable. I know someone out there may have a better answer for you but until then I'm sending you a big warm hug and thinking 'its ok. We all feel like this sometimes.xxxx Be kind to yourself.
You could practise juggling whilst standing on one leg. Probably not get too far with it but it will certainly distract you for a while. Or, you could try reciting the alphabet from Z to A. Not as easy as you might think and would definitely keep your mind occupied. :grin:

Failing that, concentrate on how well you have done so far, don't view the rescheduled fast day as anything remotely negative and embrace the fact that you now have your weight loss completely under your control.
Swedey, it is just one day,and looking at your progress so far I'd say you were allowed a day off the wagon. Do what you need to do to get you through today and start again tomorrow. *sending a hug*
Could you have some lovely juicy fruit or something like that? Damage limitation :smile: :clover:
I agree with Yoda. Maybe pulling and tie-fighter out of the muck will focus your mind on other things.

On a serious note, you've made amazing progress in a short time. A break won't hurt, because you know where you're at and know where you've been.
I took the dogs for a walk, double points - exercise and food avoidance!

But I'm not talking just about today, I'm talking every day. Is this what it's like being an addict kicking the habit? It's orrible.

Thanks for your support, it really helps!!
I think I would make a rough estimate of how many cals I'd eaten so far, what I was planning for dinner and then fix myself a great snack whioh would fill me up but not result in me going much over TDEE. If you are trying to avoid carbs make it cheese or nuts or if not, fruit or veg. If you're not fasting you are allowed treats you know!
Hi Swedey,

I don't know if I'm right, but I think I sort of recognize your feelings. I tried to analyzed this for myself and for me it works like this: 1) I crave food/snacks, 2) I hate this feeling and I hate myself for the craving [I start feeling shame/guilt, etc], 3) because of the shame/guilt I feel even more cr*p, which leads to 4) I start binging on crisps, cheese, ... which subsequently results in 5) I hate myself even more. Vicious cycle. One of the great things of 5:2 is that it has taught me that it's OK to crave, that's not a bad thing in itself, by craving I don't hurt anyone, it's only an uncomfortable feeling that passes over time. It usually takes 5-10 mins for the cravings to disappear. You might consider putting a five penny piece or siminar coin into an old jam jar each time these cravings begin and firmly tell your reptile brain that it should shut up. By 'reptile brain' I mean nothing personal, it's the part of the brain we share with reptiles, which is the part of the brain that came into being early in evolution. Sorry if I was impertinent and sorry also if I explained the bl**dy obvious, only I feel sorry for anyone who beats herself up unnecessarily. All the best and :clover:
Swedey your mistake was having the two pieces of toast. White Carbs are addictive. When you ate the toast your brain clicked on for more! Believe me I love all those things too and yes I make the same mistake sometimes. Maybe it is better to get it out of your system today. And tomorrow remember not to touch the stuff. Those carbs hit the same part of the brain as drug addicts.
Hi Swedey

I haven't had one of those days as yet but it's still early days for me.

Could you not have a snack that you enjoy? It's not a fast day so maybe if you did indulge yourself just a little bit you would feel happier and then could you go back to a nice dinner later?

As I said I am still a Rookie with this but sometimes I have to listen to my mood as the more it drags on the worse the fall out will be.

Whatever you do, don't regret it. If you are staying good be very proud of yourself or if you are giving in to temptation then enjoy it and tomorrow is another day.
I refuse to give up carbs. I could not, and will not, live that way.

And it wasn't white, it was wholemeal with lots of birdseed, so there.

It's not just today - it's how I feel nearly every day, all my life. Which is why I put on so much weight, as I put something in my mouth as soon as I fancies something.

I have got better at accepting hunger as a natural, and not bad, feeling. But some days are harder than others. Fasting tomorrow is going to be interesting, best keep really busy!!

Josie50 has hit the nail on the head completely. The hunger I can live with, it's hating myself for having the cravings in the first place that upsets me (I think). Now going to google reptile brain.

Tara for now
All the best for tomorrow's fast; as they say: tomorrow is another day. Good luck and pleasepleaseplease stop beating up yourself! Hope to hear of your success soon, success is inevetable with 5:2, even with the occasional slip-up. Please keep us posted and best of luck.
PS you've already achieved a fantastic weight loss, so congratulations are in order.
Hi Sweedey, I so understand (and share--but it's getting better) your frustration with food. We have spent so many years in a love/hate relationship with food and end up hating ourselves when we fall short (due to our own, unrealistic expectations of ourselves). :confused:

What seems to be helping me is to accept that I have this very close relationship with food and that I need to make it work for me. I've borrowed from the current "mindfulness" philosophy. If I'm going to eat something, I stop to think about what it really is that I want. If it's a donut, I have to get in the car and go to get it. If it's some wholewheat toast, I fix it and sit down and eat it and enjoy it to the max (nice table setting, eating slowly, really tasting each bite, the appropriate beverage, the whole deal). :grin: :grin:

In the past, I would grab food and just eat it quickly, tasting only the first couple of bites. Not any more! I'm never going to be one of those people who "eats to live." I am one who "lives to eat!"
:heart: :victory:
There's nothing wrong with being who we are--we just need to work with it!
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