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Need a kick up the bum today!
18 Jul 2013, 10:04
I am sulking today. Firstly as I have been really good with cutting down on non-fast days and exercising and I have put on half a pound! :curse: I have reread the article on water retention and exercise so I am hoping it is just that.
Also I have discovered a horsefly bite somewhere you really wouldn't want a horsefly bite :shame: :bugeyes: and my poor dog had been sick this morning and I wasn't wearing slippers :shock: .... all this before 8am!
So even though it is a lovely day I am sulking. Someone give me a kick up the bum and tell me to cheer up!!!
Cheer up ! imagine if all that had happened on a cold wet November day !

On the weight gain thing, I've been really good this week too, in fact my digestive system decided that for about 3 days everything I ate went almost straight through without touching the sides. So when I weighed yesterday after a fast day the 1 1/2lb gain really wasn't what I was expecting :frown:

But smile :grin: the sun's shining and set to stay shining through the weekend :cool:
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...are you sure you need a kick up the bum? Might it not worsen the horsefly bite?

These things are sent to try us, so they say. I'm sure it's all just temporary. So you'd better cheer up or janeg will be along with her wet fish :shock:
Thanks ladies! The wet fish is a good idea right now!
Not to worry Sian, I am sure our gain this week will disappear by next week, and hopefully take its friends with it!!
Hi I am dealing with a gain too, from far too much fun but am working on getting back on track. But the horsefly bite ... I commiserate and stepping on a surprise barefoot ... yuck hope it wasn't on carpet ... Hope your day got better
I feel your pain guys. Horsefly bites are the worst. 2lb gain for me. Where is that wet fish?
lurking to ninja skelp someone
:beaten up:
think the heat is draining everyone
Hope it passes soon or the fish is going to be in a sad way...
I've gained too despite being not at all well from accidentally eating some gluten. :cry:

Our dear doggy got herself into such a state when the window cleaner came that she had a huge drink and promptly threw up on the kitchen floor! Not what you need with a gippy tum! I'm trying to console myself with the thought that the weight should disappear when the sun does and that at least the dog chucked up on the kitchen floor and not the carpet! Of course I now have something else to add to the list in that I didn't stand in it! :lol:

Janeg, I do hope you are keeping your fish in the fridge between slappings. Is that strange, fishy odour drifting over from you? I thought it was the cat's pilchards! :lol:
Thanks for all the replies although it saddens me how many people share my woes! Janeg - have the manky fish at the ready!
I am fairly convinced the weight gain must be water retention, so dont lose hope! Is there a correlation between continued hot weather and water retention? Reckon I will have to get searching Pubmed as perhaps there is a mechanism that responds to hot weather....
Come a couple of months and we will all be a stone lighter!
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