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The Rescuers.........Winnie the Poo.............The Emperor's New Groove........

Ballerina x :heart:
Off the top of my head:
Eat, Pray, Love
Sex & The City 1 & 2
The Notebook
Step Brothers
Ace Ventura 2
Bad Boys
The Hangover
Pretty much anything starring Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams or Will Ferrell!!
Ballerina wrote: The Rescuers.........Winnie the Poo.............The Emperor's New Groove........

Ballerina x :heart:

I LOVE The Emperor's New Groove!!!!
Can't believe no-one has mentioned Ferris Beuller's Day Off or Shaun of the Dead!
Dirty Dancing, and my all time favourite is American Beauty - love anything with Kevin Spacey in
Ballerina, this weekend I watched Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Jungle Book and Wreck it Ralph :grin:

I don't remember who talked about E.T. but, even if I love this movie, I can never watch it until the end. I was 10 when I watch it in a cinema and, when E.T. is dying and becomes all white and everything, I was so scared for him that I went under the chair.... He was reel for me so you can imagine how it was scary to see a real beloved character dying "live". Since then, I can only watch it until that scene.... :shock: .

I love The Last of the Mohicans as well, I think that is a lot to do with the music...
Snow White......Mary this space (that is NOT a Disney film!) :grin: :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
I don't like the sequels, so I only watch the originals, they are not of the same quality

Wall E.... This is one one the most poetic movie of all time... I love watching it with the director commentaries. I think that's what I'll watch tonight :grin:
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