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What is in your bucket list?
01 Feb 2014, 19:41
Most people have travelling around the world as part of their bucket list, but being a bit more specific what is on your bucket list?

Mine includes

Learning to scuba dive and getting my qualifications.

Building a Cob House from scratch, my own that is.

Going back to Australia to visit my old school and to see my old house.

Writing a book. I need to go back to my English literature roots and learn to speak proper like before I can do so.
To show a quilt at the Houston show.
To get a Rhodesian Ridgeback girl good enough to breed her and get these xtgraordinarily cute puppies.
To make a travel around the world with The DH.
To live long enough for my sons to get married and make me a grandma.
To live longer than The DH, cause I don't want to be left alone.
Is it coincidental that last night on commercial tv in australia was the film.. The Bucket list. never did watch the end.

too early to make one of those for me.

but i do believe in that phrase.. live every day of your life as if it may be the last

i keep thinking of the 50 year old that was killed last week as a pedestrian. bus hit her , she was trapped and died the next day. I worked with someone that also got killed by a bus on his way home from work, in about the same area of Sydney.

Yes, today is the beginning of the rest of your life and may be the last.

So live it well.
as i said. live each day as if it is your last

RIP Hoffman ... 31vjz.html

so many successful people in the entertainment business go too early. Why Why
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