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The run up to Christmas..A busy time and tiring too...what cheers you and keeps you going in the lead up to what is called The Biggest Day of the Year?
I was feeling down,but nothing to do with Christmas plans. On new medication which is making me feel dreadful but i' m trying to stick with it,along the 'maybe it gets worse before it gets better ' line of thought.
THEN along came Postie,with a boxful of cat toys chosen by me,for a certain kitten's first Christmiaowmas.
Cheered me up no end. :wink: xx
~ waiting for some Christmiaowmas turkey xx~
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What distresses me is that this time of year makes me very nostalgic for when my children were little and I would spend all these weeks finding wonderful treats and presents for them, which would make their little eyes light up with total happiness on the Big Day. My kids are grown now, but have no plans to reproduce. One ever, and the other not for quite a while while he builds up his business. So I feel my lack of grandkids very strongly this time of year, especially when FB is full of pictures of all my contemporaries and their herds of grandkids decorating trees, etc. We don't even have a tree any more because the kids won't be coming (we are all pretty burnt out on long-distance travel after the traumatic Thanksgiving!)

I have a lot of wonderful things going on in my life that others don't, so the rest of the year I'm very content, but I'll be glad when the holidays are past and life returns to normal.

What makes me happy this time of year? The Food. <sigh> Just baked some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies using the Joy of Cooking recipe from my childhood. And since my weight is starting to trend down again with continued fasting, at last, I'm enjoying them heartily.
Being with loved ones - both friends and family. I keep the week before Christmas as free as possible to catch up with as many people as I can. I also like the opportunity to do more elaborate cooking and feed people!

@candicemarie. This will warm your heart. Some of them are pics and some video clips. Enjoy!
Distresses.. shocking events like a beautiful man Tori Johnson (Manager of the Lindt shop where the tragedy occurred who tried to save himself and the others) and an equally beautiful barrister and mum, Katrina Dawson dying unnecessarily in the hands of a madman at this time of year. The look on her face at the window, photos released today just makes you so sad at this time of year. RIP Tori and Katrina. I guess their funerals will be in the Christmas week.

And equally distressing the lives of 145 or more children shot down in Pakistan by a bigger bunch of madmen. RIP each and every child.

Sorry for the dooom and gloom moment from mebut it's been an unusually horrific time for so many just before Christmas so I have to say I dont remember a Christmas like it. It has really really tainted the joy of Christmas for me.
@Juliana.Rivers - with you! :heart: It is a changing world of shifts and shocks - and I'm living it every day, with you.
On a brighter note, I'm very fortunate to host my 95/90 parents in the family home - will be lovely but tricky! Asked my 95 year old dad the secret to his long life - he told me he would share with me in 50 years! Diamond moment, he has mild dementia but retains his sense of humour and his mathematical brain.
I'll be on line at Xmas as my Mum will drive me crazy as I'm cooking in her kitchen! :heart:
Thanks for responses,ladies! I actually meant DE - STRESS rather than distress but when i tried to edit to make it clearer,i couldnt!
I agree @Julianna.Rivers's hard to feel happy when so much in the world is in chaos and so many bad things happening to good people x
@lizbean yr Dad is an absolute treasure! x
@rawkaren enjoy yr time back in UK with friends and family,i bet youre a great cook! X thks for instagram :0)))))
@peebles i agree,i too think it wd be lovely to have a grandchild to enjoy Christmas magic with. Maybe another year it will happen for us ! X in the meantime enjoy the festive food,you deserve it x
Yesterday Sainsbury's I was in an almost empty ailse when I started to boogie a bit to the song on the tannoy ( It was rockin around the christmas tree) I didn't realise the lady at the other end of the ailse was doing it as well. We looked at each other and laughed! That sort of thing cheers me no end.
I love the fine clear mornings we can get in early summer, when everything is still fresh and green from spring, and enjoying a cuppa watching the sun rise over the trees.
I am not someone who generally spends much time at shopping centres, but I do enjoy this at Christmas time, even though I do despair about how materialistic we have become as a society.
I love the excitement of the kids and I love the school carol service (tonight) even though I'm an atheist I enjoy the songs!
I'm looking forward to the kids finishing school and doing stuff with them but I'm hoping work won't get in the way too much, I'm a pastry chef and it's my busiest time of year.

Edited to add and the food too, of course!! Christmas dinner at my house this year, the four of us with my mum and brother. We don't go in for tradition so it's a late lunch of lobster this year and cocktails and in the evening a spectacular cheeseboard :grin: I just have to make a showstopper dessert and I'm set (no pressure on the pastry chef there LOL!!)
CandiceMarie wrote: Thanks for responses,ladies! I actually meant DE - STRESS rather than distress but when i tried to edit to make it clearer,i couldnt!
I agree @Julianna.Rivers's hard to feel happy when so much in the world is in chaos and so many bad things happening to good people x
@lizbean yr Dad is an absolute treasure! x
@rawkaren enjoy yr time back in UK with friends and family,i bet youre a great cook! X thks for instagram :0)))))
@peebles i agree,i too think it wd be lovely to have a grandchild to enjoy Christmas magic with. Maybe another year it will happen for us ! X in the meantime enjoy the festive food,you deserve it x

ahhh I read distress. and that triggered me off I guess just having heard the news about the kids.
Have taken a few deep breaths today to try and get back to the joy of christmas.
Music. There are various high points such as attending Messiah, listening to Carols from Kings College and recordings I store away for the rest of the year.

Kayaking - lots of people don't kayak out of season but DH and I do (we have the appropriate clothing). It's magical to paddle down a waterway with the sides of the banks covered in hoar-frosted vegetation and there's a special stillness when it's cold.
I find cooking de-stresses me (though it may stress those who have to eat it!) and so I have prepped and frozen my stuffings and potatoes for the big day. I have hung up my pickle pan for 5 lovely weeks, so I have time to devote to some more fiddly dishes, which normally don't get a look in!
Walking the dogs has a calming influence on me, especially on a winter beach.
And meeting friends - including a lovely bunch of friends in Liverpool on Monday!
My family being round. Feeding them, watching them open their pressies. I actually love buying and wrapping pressies. Some hate it though. So suppose I'm lucky there then.
But the one thing which always gives me a sense of well being is my exercise classes. Sometimes walk in tired, weary grumpy. Always ......yes always walk out glowing and happy.
Thanks folks! Love reading the replies
@Brand-ie've been smiling all day about you boogying in the aisles! Sometimes,ya just gotta dance! Was lovely that moment you shared with a stranger..cant get the song out of my head now,tho!
@sassy1 i wd love to experience an ozzy summery christmas,it sounds lovely x
@pennyforthemyes, walking on a beach in winter is very soothing...away from the crazy shops..and i think most of us would deffo enjoy some of yr cooking - after all,you have awards! - and some of @jennyh10s too!
@ssure ive never fancied kayaking but you described it so well, i really would like to be there with you!
And yes,music! Always fab..Carols from Kings Christmas Eve is wonderful.x
@Juliana.Rivers what a week..everyone is reeling from the events of the last two days..
The world is a dangerous place but lots of good in it too,we mustn't forget that..i think the decent and good people vastly outnumber the evil ones and we have to hold onto that thought xx sending you big hugs xx
@carieoates i really admire your exercising regime! I cant do anywhere near as much as you do,but i agree,those feelgood endorphins are hard to beat x
This really has me smiling lately..just about thirty seconds of fun...
I dont like adverts and i dont like loan companies,but this ad for satsuma loans is hilarious..with the satsuma singing How Can I Get You Alone ! ;0)
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