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Body shop vit E range and their vit c serum, water, salmon, 5:2.

Really good food of made from scratch meals, good genes, not too much sun.

Smile and sleep well:
Blood, sweat and tears....(aka making chutney for a living)

and good genes.

I will be 64 next month and, not being funny, I have very few wrinkles. Just asked hub and, out of 10 (with 10 being the highest) he says I score a 2 on the wrinkle front!

I use a cheap cream from the stupormarket, only slosh water on the old fisog and laugh a lot, though stress a bit, too..

seems to work.
I use Clarins anti wrinkle firm it up and fill them in cream. I did use Nivea and then for some reason my face decided enough is enough and brought me out in the most sexy looking eczema ( not a good look) can't go near it now!

However I do think it's all down to good genes.
I used to use a variety of products but got board of them pretty quickly. Now I use soap on my face to clean it, I do however use a Castile soap with no petrochemicals. Then I use a moisturiser from nuff stuff, I love their fragranced cream dream. In the summer I use plenty of sun block. My skin is much better than when I used to slap miracle creams on, I'm debating whether to use some of the lovely coconut oil that I have bought to cook with on my face in the cold months
Pure African Shea Butter.
Since I started 5:2 I have religiously moisturised my neck and chest every time I shower, and all other bits most days.
Being 56, I know that weight loss will cause some skin changes so I'm just trying to minimise it.
The Nivea Q10 Antiaging cream seems good, and the Garnier cream.
I have always used Oil of Ulan on my face.
Of course we Aussies are mostly guilty of too much sun exposure, especially when we were young.
Still can't help myself to some extent- I love that sunshine!
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