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The wrinkles are coming, the wrinkles are coming what should I do? I have tried products over the past year b.ut honestly I see no difference. I have always had poor skin and am from the pre sunscreen generation so I am new to moisturizers. So far I hate them as they just sit on the skin and do not absorb. What works for you?
My favorite is by Avene - it's pricey here though. It's a French brand, and you can get it at pharmacies in France. My husband's ENT is also a plastic surgeon and he sells/recommends Avene. You can also get it on and

There are a few different formulations. I think Eluage and Retrinal are the best ones for once you actually have wrinkles. I use Avene's Ystheal and it works really well for me (I"m 46).

If you want to go cheaper, I like the Boots No7 stuff at Target, but not as much as the Avene products.
I haven't really noticed any difference between products I've used ON my skin (I'm 54) but eating salmon a couple of times a week has had a noticeable effect, and my skin has further improved since I started taking fish oil on recommendation from my GP to improve my 'good' cholesterol. I have heard other people make similar comments, so it may be worth considering.
clairemarie wrote: The wrinkles are coming, the wrinkles are coming what should I do? I have tried products over the past year b.ut honestly I see no difference. I have always had poor skin and am from the pre sunscreen generation so I am new to moisturizers. So far I hate them as they just sit on the skin and do not absorb. What works for you?

I just rolled my face last night and thought of talking about it on here, but thought I would be called vain. So I'll just talk about it, I rolled my face with 500 surgical needles on a small barrel that has a handle, mighty painful and has me jumping, with eyes watering, you actually puncture your face with many tiny needles and parts bleed a little, so be careful with cleanliness, I use a diluted antiseptic, to soak my derma roller in and swab my face here and there with a soaked cotton ball.
That idea is to get your skin into producing collagen for the healing. Feels like sunburn for an hour or two after, then I slather some nutritious oil over the top, nothing to chemical laden, I used coconut oil organic. The parts that bleed for me are the eyebrow bone, cheek bone, and jawline.
The other thing I like is homemade vit c serum, and that too gets stingy and bitey and makes you a bit sun sensitive,so be careful, and the bed sheets go a bit orange, but it does so brighten my skin.
Forgot to say, my needles on my little barrel, were only 0.5mm thick, I usually go 1.0 mm, couldnt find it, so, obviously the longer the needle the more of a puncture. The next day, I have a tinge of redness but nothing major and I had a few bleed spots. I only stumbled on this idea last year.
A fifty year old husband who makes me laugh and acts like a ten year old!!!
OMG zamale. That really does sound like a painful experience!! :shock:

AiriR. I think you might be on to something there. I was thinking only yesterday, how my skin was looking much better and less wrinkles. (Maybe I should put my glasses on next time I look in the mirror) :grin: I have not changed my day cream but have eaten salmon at least once a week since starting 5:2.

I have recently seen/heard something about research into face creams saying Nivea is as good as expensive ones. Are we being tricked by adverts into thinking expensive products are better?

Lesley :grin:
Water - keeps the skin hydrated lessening the effect of wrinkles.

Also, for the same reason just find a moisturiser that suits your skin. Having eczema (and wrinkles) and therefore very dry and sensitive skin I've tried many high end products but now I keep it simple with Body Shop products. I currently use the Nurtigranics range which is for the first signs of aging but is very light and moisturising.
Since the last couple of years I use Boots No7, Protect and perfect products and think they are great. Have tried many different brands before - from hig end to budget, but these have worked the best for me. :smile:
I am another Boots Protect and Perfect fan. Have used ever since I saw a documentary on Horizon -about 7 years ago I think.
Clarins. I am happy to scrimp on other products but have used their moisturisers for years and they suit my sensitive skin...also they do last for ages so maybe not so expensive as you may think.
Coconut oil here. When I have done everywhere else I just rub whats left on my hands on my face as I don't want it looking greasy. That plus not washing or cleansing everyday (I just splash my face with water) is working better than any other products I have ever used which were too harsh and drying.
I also, occasionally, maybe once a month, get a clean face clothe wet it and really scrub my face to clear the dead cells.
Anyone else been following the How Not to Get Old programme on Channel 4 in the UK? Here's the link, in case you're interested -

Most of it is pretty far-out (they subjected themselves to some utterly extraordinary treatments! I'm petrified of needles so I watched a lot of it from behind a cushion!) but I found the bit about Face Yoga interesting - Google comes up with a load of You Tube links. There's also a woman called Eva Fraser who teaches (or taught, I don't know if she still does) anti-ageing face exercises - again, Google will bring up loads of links.

As I enter the Wrinkly Saggy era of my life, I want to investigate this more (done nothing about it so far) - the idea that one can tone facial muscles by exercising them in the same way as one does one's body makes sense to me. In theory, any way!
Wear a hat in the spring/summer sun when outdoors as much as possible. Prevention is easier than cure.
Julieathome wrote: Coconut oil here. When I have done everywhere else I just rub whats left on my hands on my face as I don't want it looking greasy. That plus not washing or cleansing everyday (I just splash my face with water) is working better than any other products I have ever used which were too harsh and drying.
I also, occasionally, maybe once a month, get a clean face clothe wet it and really scrub my face to clear the dead cells.

Same here! But also wearing a hat in summer like Juliana said. I think all the expensive beauty products are a rip off. The companies that make them don't do any formal testing of their supposed antiaging properties because if any actually worked they would have to get the product licensed as a medicine, which would cost them billions, and if they didn't work then they couldn't keep making anti-aging claims in the adverts!
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