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After hunting high and low for the Christmas tree which included yelling at the lads that they must be blind as bats for not being able to find a box that holds a 7 foot tall artificial tree. I finally remembered that I gave mine away last year as its too wide for the little space we have here. I am going to have to use my imagination this year as I begrudge spending £30+ pound on a tree that I will have to butcher to get to fit. The tall thin elegant trees are well over £60.
So here I come for ideas. I am leaning towards going into the woods and finding a sturdy leafless branch and spraying it in gold and just hanging all the decorations from it whilst it sits propped in the corner of the room.

What have you forgot so far this Christmas?
So far,the feet to the little pink tree i like so much :(
Tree not up yet but every year I pick up the funny little things that were hung from the tree when I was tiny and every year they go back into the cupboard because I can't bear to face the awful memories they invoke but at the same time I cannot bring myself to throw them away. Screwed up, or what?

Ballerina x :heart:
Its natural to have mixed feelings,Bal x
I hope over the years you've made some good memories with newer sparklier jollier deccies x

My christmas tree, courtesy of M & S :lol:

PS This will probably have bittersweet memories for me at some point in the future as my Mum bought it for me
Oh i love it!,x
CandiceMarie wrote: Oh i love it!,x

SNAP :grin: :grin: :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
@CandiceMarie the tree kinda goes with the colours of your avatar. Which reminds me what is it, please explain it to me?
I'm waiting for my tree. I asked my neighbour to get me one (he runs his own plant company). However I think I might be bottom of his list because he provides Christmas decorations to a few oligarchs who live in London and they spend outrageous amounts pimping their house. A few left overs will do!
Thinking of the bare branch look this year as DH got rid of our other one. So we have to go for a walk in the Forrest nearby and see if we can find a suitable twiggy branch. Think it will look ok with some of our deccos on it. I always think they get lost in the tree usually so now they can stand out.

So think I have lost the green tree for a twiggy branch this year :reindeer: :reindeer: :star:
No tree here as it would be eaten up for dessert by my cats :shock: but a red feathers decorations, lights at the window.

@Silverdarling I love your tree, it's so cute ! Exactly what I would need

An alternative is not see it as bittersweet but a treasure which will bright for years and years.... :wink:
That reminds me, must put our xmas tree up! I bought a v small plastic one a few years ago as we always go to my parents for xmas so we're away for at least a week. I only really have it for the kids but now I've seen the DIY ones on pinterest I might just have a go at making an arty one!
I love Pinterest. Its there that I saw the idea for drawers in the larder unit.
I'm a last minute person at Christmas, every year I lose my Christmas list - I end up writing it out several times, I lose the decorations and mislay at least one of the pressies. It all works out OK by the big day though. :grin:
Manderley wrote: No tree here as it would be eaten up for dessert by my cats :shock: but a red feathers decorations, lights at the window.

This reminds me, years ago when my cats where kittens (and confined indoors only), my husband and I had brought in the tree and had just got it set up on the stand when my little girl (kitten) came around the corner and saw the tree, she took one look at it and leaped clear across the room and landed about 4.5 feet up into the tree. She thought it was the greatest gift in the world! Needless to say, that year the tree only had lights on it. :lol:
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