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11 lb lost in 6 months
22 Apr 2014, 19:11
Ok so I'm not setting any weight loss records but slow and steady gets you over the line doesn't it! My next goal is to get under the 11 stone mark so wish me luck....

My top tips are skipping breakfast and drinking black coffee on fast days and now with less wobbly bits I'm back to aerobics and deep water aqua fit classes which are both great fun and effective for toning up.
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
22 Apr 2014, 19:16
Well done @slimbex76 Great result whatever the speed
onwards to the next goal, why not join us and set yourself a Solstice goal to aim for. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
22 Apr 2014, 19:57
Your attitude is very healthy - well done you! :like:
And as Sue says - all downwards movements are good no matter how long it takes!
You will get there in the end and taking your time means it is more likely to stay off too!
Good luck my friend :clover:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
22 Apr 2014, 21:32
Thanks ladies your support is fantastic :like:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
22 Apr 2014, 21:38
Very well done you! So pleased for you - isn't it a great feeling to be in control?

Keep up the good work & we'll look forward to hearing about your 1 year Fastiversary next! It'll be here before you know it.....the way this year is flying by so far!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
23 Apr 2014, 08:45
Well done, I know you are losing it slowly but it is going and 11 pounds is a great loss no matter how slowly it went, IT WENT!!!!!! Keep posting,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
23 Apr 2014, 14:52
Well done!..and what i always think is,youve lost eleven pounds and if you hadnt spent months losing that,i wonder how much you may have PUT on in that time,if you hadnt been cutting down in fact,in real times, you have virtually lost a stone or more :like: :like: :like:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
23 Apr 2014, 16:12
slimbex76 wrote: Ok so I'm not setting any weight loss records but slow and steady gets you over the line doesn't it! My next goal is to get under the 11 stone mark so wish me luck....

My top tips are skipping breakfast and drinking black coffee on fast days and now with less wobbly bits I'm back to aerobics and deep water aqua fit classes which are both great fun and effective for toning up.

Great news @slimbex76...well done you :victory:

That's this much fat!

:fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
23 Apr 2014, 19:05
well done! :)
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
03 Jun 2014, 11:20
A little update on me - I'm no longer seeing 11 stone plus on the scales! It's thrilling to see 10-stone-something instead!

Bumped into an ex work colleague on Saturday who exclaimed "You're so skinny!" really took me by surprise. But looking at old photo's I can see the difference that 5:2 and toning up with exercise are having on my body. It's quite startling to see the contrast for someone who didn't think they were particularly overweight (clearly deluded). I've had the confidence to buy and wear my first bikini post-kids. Also bought size 12 Gap jeans which fit like a glove.

I'm close to my pre-pregnancy weight and then I'd like to see how close I can get to my wedding dress weight which is almost another stone to lose.

Slow and steady, little by little :)
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
03 Jun 2014, 11:25
Thanks for the update@slimbex76 and congratulations on your continued success.
Like you say, slow and steady.
I also lose slowly- glacially slow to be exact, BUT it is shifting and continues to shift.
I'm going to have a wee play with the programme that julieathome has posted to help me see the difference.
Well done again and keep us posted
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
03 Jun 2014, 11:37
Great to hear your update @slimbex76!

Size 12 Gap eh? That's the stuff of dreams for many of us! Very well done on your terrific achievement :smile: - am so pleased for you!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
03 Jun 2014, 11:38
You've done brilliantly well; I'm another slow loser so I know how painful it can be at a times BUT then you look at the overall progress and see the bigger (smaller!) picture :like:

Keep up the good work and keep us posted :smile:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
03 Jun 2014, 11:46
Well done, another milestone behind you, so much nicer than in front of you

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 11 lb lost in 6 months
03 Jun 2014, 11:52
Great work, you must be so chuffed.
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