The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

21 posts Page 2 of 2
You look fantastic and have a really healthy attitude well done :like:
Well done Lynz you are a credit to this WoE - and everything you say in your post makes so much sense :heart: :like: :victory: :cool:
Thank you@izzy x
Wow she looked lovely before she lost the weight anyway didnt she?
Sorry Linz, i ' m talking about you as if youre not here..
Even in the first pic you look quite firm
I wdnt mind half so much being fat if it was firm rather than flabby fat!
Thanks again Iz i wd never have found them on my own x
Fantastic, What an inspiration. I am into my 2nd week after a lapse with ill health. Now feel great with the help of my naturapath so feeling very inspired. I will keep your picture in my head for moments when I waver. I fast Monday and Thursday but wondered what results the ADF produce. Is there any feedback please?
izzy wrote: Totally agree @Candicemarie. It's the long, tanned legs, isn't it? :wink: Maybe we need to go live on a mountain in Spain too :cry: :cry: :cry: *sigh*

Well done again, Lynz :wink:

Ohhhhh A mountain in Spain.....if only, Izzy,if only...xx
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