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3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 07:53
Hi fellow foodies

Just completed my 5th fast (5:2).

Still finding fasting days super tough. Usually end up having to go to bed early as I am so hungry and have a massive headache by the evening.

I tend to have 3 meals a day during my fasting days.

After a great start I have stayed the same weight this week. Is this a normal phase?

I am going to stick it out. Have been careful on feast days and super strict in fast days so no logical reason for the stalled weight loss.

I go to the gym 3 times a week.

Basically working my butt off to get rid if this stubborn fat.

Any advice would be most welcome.

Thanks everyone :-)
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 09:30
:heart: Hi @noodles29 Well done on you weight list so far which is well above the average of 1lb per week so stick with it however sometimes we lose inches rather than pounds have you measured if not do so now everywhere :shock:
This is my only regret I only took 2 measurements also if there's no reason for you to have 3 meals why not try 2 meals or as many of us do eat evening meal only its far easier to do than it sounds but if + when I eat lunch/snack I actually become more hungry then I do 2 course meal but my TDEE is still quite high so this helps me because obviously I'm then full up and don't go raiding the fridge at night this would help with your hunger and stop you going to bed so early.
Headaches I have an oxo every fastday afternoon apparently the salt in them helps also not changing your coffee stick with whatever type you had before
( don't change to decaff if you had other type.)
You've done brilliantly well stay focused on that and its worth a few changes + trials to make your new WOL enjoyable for you as this shouldn't be a chore or uncomfortable for you to keep up with try a change for one week just to see if you feel any difference at all. :heart: Sue
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 10:00
Thank you for the encouragement and the tips - I will try the two meals and oxo tomorrow! Funny I used to have a hot Oxo drink after swimming as a child so will be a trip down memory lane :-)

I re weighed myself after the post and I have in fact lost 1 lb (I was in my PJs first time!). So chuffed after all.
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 10:01
I have also measured my waist today for first time :-) so will focus on that in future.
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 10:12
Try upping your fluids on fast day as well- I like green tea with lemon myrtle. It should help ward off headaches
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 10:27
I would second the idea of going to one meal only. I did that from my second week ( many moons ago) - it is easier than you think and you get to have a nice dinner in the evening. Also I think it is unlikely that all the 2.72 Kg you lost in the first 2 weeks was fat - some of it was probably water weight so you may well have lost some more fat and replenished some water this week. Keep going - you will see from my tracker that even small losses add up eventually
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 10:34
Many of us, as SueQ said have switched to one evening meal a day as we find that as soon as we eat the hunger monster wakes up. We can manage on tea, coffee, water, fruit teas, whatever we need until dinner time then we can usually join the family in their evening meal with a few lower calorie tweaks. 500 to 600kcals makes a decent evening meal.

A few tricks are:

Don't have a high carb meal for the night before a fast, it will make you hungrier. Concentrate on lots of protein, fat and low carb veg. (yes fat is your friend, it helps you to feel fuller for longer)

Keep up your normal caffeine intake, swap to sweetener and skimmed milk if you don't like it black.

Don't eat high carb food on a fast day. You get much more bang for your calorie buck with proteins and veg.

A mug of stock cube drink can help with tiredness or headaches as many of them are caused by salts being flushed out with the extra fluids you are drinking. Usually 30kcals or less.

A mug of low calorie hot chocolate (Options is a UK make) before bedtime helps some people sleep better on the fast day. Don't forget to calculate the calories into your daily allowance.

The Hairy Dieters cook books are my families go to books for inspiration.

Measure everywhere, neck, chest, boobs, waist, hips, thighs, calves, even knees and feet can lose weight. I've gone down a full shoe size since starting 5:2.

I hope some of these solutions help.
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 12:00
Thanks for the advice and support everyone!! Think I will try 2 meals tomorrow then 1 meal next week on my fast days and see how it goes.
Re: 3rd week hiccup
26 Feb 2014, 12:12
How annoying, but everyone has already said what I was going to...doh!

Actually, I really do think you'd be so much better off with one meal. Before someone slaps me with that fish, I know each to their own, but in my own experience when I tried eating lunch on my fast day I was so hungry by the evening that I ended up bingeing...and the calorie count went out the window. That's the first and only time I've failed my fast. Now I fast every other day...and love it! I have an evening meal, about 5 ish and usually have a ready meal so I know the exact calories without having to spend too long working them out. Sometimes, I have enough calories for extra veg AND a yoghurt! I just find it so much easier this way.

Hope this helps! Good luck noodles

Bean :starving: :clover: :heart:
Re: 3rd week hiccup
27 Feb 2014, 00:34
If it doesn't work I would try putting all your fast day calories into a nice evening a soft boiled egg spread over a piece of bread, 100 grams of smoked salmon and veggies baked in the oven with olive should fill you up!
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