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Delighted or Disappointed?

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3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 11:39
After losing 9 lbs in the first 2 weeks my 3 week weigh in was a little dissapointing. We did have company for 4 days and obviously ate and drank a "LITTLE MORE" than we should have. I was up about 3 lbs Monday morning. Fasted Monday and was back down 3 lbs Tuesday morning. Going to persevere!
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 11:51
Congratulations on your losses so far. Keep at it - you know it makes sense :wink:

Your weight will probably stall/yo-yo from time to time without the added distraction of visitors but remember the benefits you are also getting from fasting.

That's the beauty of this wol, in the past such things would put us off 'the diet' and carrying on as we had 'blown it' (not saying you would but it is a general consesus) but here it really doesn't matter.
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 12:14
Try not to worry..That was a great start wasnt it so dont be disappointed its been up and down since.
Give yrself time to settle in..i didnt lose for the first five weeks..just kept losing and putting back on a pound..then started to lose we have to look at the big picture and take the long view! Be patient and keep looking in on the forums as all the info and the personal experiences we share here help keep focus and spur you on!X
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 12:33
Brilliant advice from those who have already answered this thread - I can't add to it but do keep going :-)
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 15:11
Sounds like you're doing just fine. If you have a big loss straight away I would think it's normal for things to slow down after that. The average loss is supposed to be 1lb a week so you're well ahead already.
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 15:18
Oh that's a fantastic start @jwalk54. Don't be so hard on yourself. This should be a long, slow process so you will find you'll go up and down and sometimes stay the same...but on the whole it should continue to plummet downwards! I highly recommend daily weighing and you'll see what I mean.

Don't give are doing really well xx

Bean :smile:
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Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 15:20
Since January, I've only lost about 8 pounds, so don't feel bad!
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 15:22
Jwalk54 wrote: After losing 9 lbs in the first 2 weeks my 3 week weigh in was a little dissapointing. Fasted Monday and was back down 3 lbs Tuesday morning. Going to persevere!

Persevere That is the only thing to do because life is for living so enjoy your visitors and days or meals out this WOL allows us to do just that it's completely forgiving and with no guilt attached then payback time with
2 fastdays no problem!!
:clover: :clover:
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 15:35
Jwalk54 wrote: After losing 9 lbs in the first 2 weeks my 3 week weigh in was a little dissapointing. We did have company for 4 days and obviously ate and drank a "LITTLE MORE" than we should have. I was up about 3 lbs Monday morning. Fasted Monday and was back down 3 lbs Tuesday morning. Going to persevere!

Perseverance is the key to success.....and having friends to stay does have its drawbacks, but what are friends for, if not to enjoy!!!! :heart: You'll get there in the just takes time. :heart:
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 15:56
Everyone is right, this is not a quick fix and you are doing VERY well

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 3rd week in-not so good
02 Apr 2014, 16:23
It's safe to say that the first weeks big loss was mainly excess water escaping. It will not continue at this rate, but steady at about 1lb a week maybe a tad more.
It can be a bit frustrating, but stick with it and learning about my bad food habits has been invaluable.
Good luck. :clover:
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