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Delighted or Disappointed?

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5 Weeks in !
03 Mar 2014, 09:02
I'm now 5 weeks in and have lost 4.5lbs, not quite the 1lb per week I was hoping for! But am happy to be loosing weight at least!!

I love my updating my TRACKER but wanted to at least follow the TREND LINE set on the tracker but unfortunately I'm always above the line!! What can I do to increase my weight loss and at least achieve a 1lb loss per week and follow the recommended TREND LINE?
Should I change from 5:2 to 4:3?
Does anyone know if this helps?
Less than 1lb per week is a little sad and slow for me. Any suggestions on how to improve 'even slightly' would be more than welcomed.

I love reading everyone's updates too and receiving feedback from questions is all so encouraging - which is why I've stuck to it and will continue to do so.

Many thanks everyone x
Re: 5 Weeks in !
03 Mar 2014, 09:25
Hi, well done on your 4.5 pounds loss!
Have you done the 'View Forum Stats' bit in the Progress Tracker? Here you can see how much other people matched to your age, sex and starting BMI have lost using both 5:2 and 4:3.
However, 0.9 pounds a week adds up. I think the thing about this way of eating is that although it is slow, it is still imaginable to be doing it in three or six months time, and remember it gets easier.
You'll get to your goal a bit slower than you want, but you WILL get there.
Re: 5 Weeks in !
03 Mar 2014, 09:44
MMM 4.5 is fantastic.....I did 16 fasts before I lost 1lb !! But I stuck to 5.2 religiously and still do...I have now lost 7lbs .....very slow I know but its off and not on....I feel much better and I actually look forward to my fast days....sounds too good to be true but its the best WOE ever...
Re: 5 Weeks in !
03 Mar 2014, 10:28
Agree with the others. Those lbs off are far better than a nightmare unrealistic diet that screws your family and social life.....only to put it all back on. I'm just back on this and can't wait to be looking back in 6 months having stuck to this and having the results.....
Re: 5 Weeks in !
03 Mar 2014, 12:11
:heart: Well done @MMMYes you're doing just fine
Carry on doing what you're doing its working for you there's not much else to do because our bodies have a mind of there own I did 4:3 from beginning done very well indeed but at a stagnant weightloss time I reduced my carbs which helped once again but despite doing regular fasting days nothing has changed in 3 months for me and there's nothing I can do but sit it out and wait doing same as before how I wish I could lose a few Ounces each week.
:heart: Sue
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