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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I finally broke through the 11.7 barrier this morning with a WI of 11.6.4 :grin:

The words 'ten stone something' are whispering somewhere in the darker recesses of my brain... at the rate I'm losing it will be a long time yet, especially with a big holiday looming, but that's fine. I reckon by the end of the summer my wardrobe will be ready for another prune; perfect timing as some of my summer frocks are many years old and looking less than fresh.

I am living proof that if you keep plugging away, moving on quickly after bad days (and I've really had some recently) and keeping the faith, the weight will eventually go. I'm feeling good, getting lots of compliments and am especially delighted to have found bone structure in my face. Who knew that was there? It must be an age thing as my face was plumper years ago at this weight.

Mr Winsome is also doing really well. He's done 5:2 rigidly since he started, and is now within his target zone. One more lb to go before he stops 5:2 and goes into maintenance! His too-tight trousers are now loose so he's a happy chap. Incidentally, he feels that key to his success is saving some calories every day for some strong cheddar cheese to nibble on in the evening. We both passed up canapés and cava at a school event last night, which was TOUGH, but at least there was cheese at home :grin: We perhaps wouldn't have been such martyrs if not for the fact that we are away for a long weekend now!
Congratulations Winsome!! And Mr Winsome! You are doing so well ! I'm so happy for you!!!
Xxx julianna
Well done @Winsome. Thats a great result and motivational booster :like: :clover: :heart:
Congratulations to Mr Winsome too :victory:
Fabulous news Winsome. Just goes to prove if you stick at it for long enough, it happens. And it will give you a boost after the hard times recently. Congrats to Mr Winsome too - and hope you both have a great weekend away - you deserve it , :heart: :cool: :lol:
Congrats! Always impressed when someone splits rocks without a hammer and chisel!
Congratulations! Great job -- and I love your attitude :-) Slow and steady wins the race
Thats lovely news. Its always nice to hear of peoples successes.
So pleased for you @Winsome!

You are a great advert for this sustainable WOL! Great to read of your is so motivating - thank you! Hope you have a fab weekend x

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Congrats for moving past the significant half stone weight. They are a significant milestones Pheww! Congrats to Mr Winsome too.
Well done to both of you - so rewarding when persistence pays off!
Well done@Winsome both of you! You give hope and proof for slow and steady progress. Keep going down towards the next enjoyable landmark. :grin: :like:
Love the attitude Winsome, and well done Mr Winsome. Good idea about the cheese, I used to save a few cals for a hot choc in the winter, but cheese is a great one too.
I'm listening out for 11 something. :like:
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