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Delighted or Disappointed?

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25 Apr 2014, 10:42
OK I will try and keep this brief! I was on holiday for 2 weeks in China until last Sunday - I usually try and eat lowish carb (around 75g a day, certainly under 100g) and whilst away I wasn't easily able to do that and knew I would pile weight on (through water retention if nothing else - I know from previous experience). Also by the time we got to Hong Kong and it was warm I think I had some water retnetion from the heat. I didn't really overindulge but wasn't able to fast either nor eat as I usually do.

When I got off the plane on Sunday night despite wearing support tights/walking/keeping hydrated/doing ankle exercises, my feet were like balloons - overflowing my shoes like an old lady (slightly worrying as they do swell but not usually like that but they were puffy to start off with). Got weighed when I got in (to see the damage). I weighed 70.9kg (11st 2) and before I left I was around 67.2. Was a bit despondent but thought 'it's fluid, it'll get better'. The next morning I had lost a kg (and ankles still a bit puffy but nearer normal). Did 2 consecutive fast days (which I don't normally do but sort of wanted a break from eating). Lost a kg each day thereafter. Got weighed on my usual weigh day yesterday - was 66.4kg (lower than I have ever been); ate to TDEE yesterday expecting to gain - this morning down another 0.4kg, taking me to 66kg. I am flabbergasted that I have lost 4.9KG (10.5lbs) in 5 days. Didn't think such a weight loss was possible in such a short time. I am now 'normal' and green :-) I'm thrilled I have lost all my holiday weight but also slightly concerned it was so quick. Slightly scared to get on the scales tomorrow!!
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 11:20
Wow, wow wow!!! You've lost 20 kg, you've had a great holiday and you're in a healthy BMI! Lets celebrate and stop worrying!! Woo hoo!! ( I'm waving pom poms) xxx
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 11:34
Congratulations @loversghost. Well done :like: . I think you are right - the majority of your weight loss was a lot of water. I get the giant "old lady" puffy feet with long air journeys and it usually doesn't get sorted until I am back and in my usual routine. But you lost 1.2 kg (your departure weight minus today's)ON HOLIDAY!!
I think that is amazing. My last 1-week holiday I gained 6 pounds that took a month to lose (not water, obviously :frown: )
Celebrate! :victory: :like: :cool:
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 11:41
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 12:16
Thank you all! Like I say I wonder what tomorrow's weight will bring - just amazed at the amount of fluid a person can hang on to!!
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 15:36
Well done @loversghost brilliant result and one I'll never see both with a small gain and slight water retention
my last holiday was a 5kgs gain!!! :shock:
Congratulations on going green what a great feeling that must be, good luck staying that way I'm sure you will. :clover:
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 15:44
Well done! Without realising it, have you perhaps eaten better than you'd have done on previous holidays, e.g. Less carbs and deserts, extra vegetables? Nearly 5kg seems too much to be just water. I feel that this diet has given me the knowledge and control that I'd lost and perhaps the same for you?
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 15:45
Claim it LG! If you see it,claim it!
Youre the incredible shrinking woman! X :lol:
Re: Amazed!
25 Apr 2014, 16:25
What a relief, eh?! That's gotta be worth celebrating...but don't go mad,

Bean xx
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