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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Well, I had my first compulsion to comfort eat since I've started 5:2ing nearly 10 weeks ago (stress with landlord, complaints of things not right and escalating emails between my SO and the agent). I'm at work, so I just had to reach for the remaining Vegi crisps and when they ran out, it was into the chocolate biscuits. BUT...and here's the big BUT...I stopped at two small biscuits!!! Even though there were plenty more in the pack!!! I simply realised that, well, actually, they weren't really all that comforting. Who would have thought that? I'm sure in the past the chocolate bikkies have kicked in more endorphins than that...and that 2 biscuits would have become the whole pack.

So instead of the big blowout I expected, I'm only around 200 calories worse off, and it's not a fast day, so no harm done.

TL;DR? This 5:2ing really has changed my relationship with food. :smile:
Amazing isn't it? I am the same, my former comfort foods just do not have the appeal. Like you I still enjoy the bad stuff but no longer crave it. I now actually enjoy my coffee on it's own, I do not want six biscuits or even one. Actually I haven't bought any biscuits for weeks. Fasting has really educated my palate and I am loving it!
Empowering isn't it, not being a slave to cravings and compulsions. This WOE is so liberating; who'd have thunk it :eat:
oh you guys are all doing so well. It's kind of true though, it's not comforting if anything it is depressing!! Even as you're stuffing the chocolate in your mouth you know that in a few seconds you will hate yourself for it.
Yes, it's great to have the willpower to be able to stop yourself time and time again, but the moment you realise that actually, you don't really want to - that is a big step forward
Oh @PeonyBlue - your post was so thrilling! It is such a HUGE milestone - that many of us can so relate to.....well done!

I have also been amazed at how 5:2 completely changes your relationship with food! As a die-hard comfort eater who thought food was the answer to everything, I can really relate to your joy. It is so empowering, isn't it?

Keep up the good work!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Yesterday I started on the biscuits and only had 4 altogether. Biscuits were my real downfall, I never even bought any in, which deprived my family. They would have been deprived anyway, as they wouldn't have had any biscuits as I would have eaten the lot. But now, the biscuits don't get touched by me much anymore.
Thanks everyone - it's nice to be able to share it with people who understand and have been there. I'd read about people talking about the changes to the way they look at food and binging etc, but for me it was the 'aha' moment of actually understanding it. :geek:

So to other relative newbies...hang in there. Sometimes when you least expect it, something "clicks" and it all starts to come together.
Respect @julieathome! That is fantastic...

I know just what a triumph that is! Also, it is apparently what people with a "normal" relationship around food do! So, well done you...things are looking good!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
It is such a lovely thing to discover about yourself, that eating rubbish does not solve what you are trying hard to get away from, it just follows you whilst making you fatter

Ballerina x :heart:
Wow Peonyblue, I get the significance of those 2 cookies!!!! Wow again!!!
So 5:2 has changed your relationship with food. It has for me too.
In the beginning I thought wow, I can eat as much chips ( crisps) and white Costello cheese ( a soft almost mild blue cheese- my favourite) as I like 5 days a week!!!!!! And I did!!! For a while. Then it was less of regular. I always have a packet of the cheese in the fridge but the urge probably strikes once a week or once a fortnight - but I eat Havarti or ambrosia cheese probably 3 times a week which is a good idea calcium wise as that's all I get. Chips are another story. I love smiths plain chips, and cheetos cheese and bacon balls. Funny story. As I've mentioned before I'm on a 3 week wheat gluten break to see if it reduces the pain in my heel. ( it is- big time!) So I had to read the ingredients for on the chip packets. About 20 ingredients in the cheese and bacon balls ( including things I can't pronounce and 621 msg!!! That's why they're so Moorish. How many ingredients in the plain salted chips??? 3! Potatoes, oil, salt!!! Eye opener! So I probably average 7 little packs a week. I think when nothings forbidden and you listen to what your body really needs, it tells you what it needs. This WOE has TOTALLY changed my relationship with food.
Lovely! Just shows how much more youre getting in touch with yr body now and what it needs and doesnt need X :like:
That's brilliant for all if you,
I think when you succeed in not overeating on your non-fast days then your on the pigs back, as they say.
The people who have had great success with this WOL report better eating habits all round.
It didn't happen for me the first time I tried 5;2, but I'm very hopeful it will happen this time with 4:3.

Juliana, castello cheese is without doubt the best cheese in the world.
Kindered spirits once again :grin:
Mmmm...white castello cheese :drool:
Always makes me think of going to the cricket on Australia Day...we'd always pack a big gourmet picnic hamper, and the castello was always the first thing to disappear.
Cambazolla or Dolchellata for me. Very moorish.
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