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Delighted or Disappointed?

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04 Mar 2014, 08:12
Just wanted to post on here because I am SOO over the moon. Its been my first week on 5:2 and I'm not going to lie, I have found it difficult. Not the fast days; I have actually enjoyed them, and not found them very difficult with regards to hunger etc. It's the feed days I have found difficult. I have a very long history of binge eating and it has been really hard for me to stop overeating on my feed days. This week I have had a few days where I have overeaten massively, and I have also felt really guilty in doing this. BUT I know that 5:2 is going to change my WOE and change my attitude towards food. Even now, after just one week of 5:2'ing its my feed day (pancake day as well!) and I don't feel the need to overeat, even though I have lots of opportunity to. And the biggest thing I'm happy with.. even after my not-so-great first week, I managed to loose 1lb! Its given me such inspiration, like if I can loose one pound on such a bad week, what could I do on a good week?! So just wanted to share that I am very happy with my progress, albeit a bad week, I know where I have gone wrong and am looking forward to changing my ways in the very near future :)
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 08:20
:heart: Well done @britney Yes this is a fantastic WOL and like you I needed to "live" again around food and you learn how to just that and more. good loss for you and that will provide you with the motivation to carry you onwards. :heart:

And now you will have a better week deffo because you will want to see what you could have achieved being good. Sue
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 10:09
Well done Britney! It really sounds as if you are working out a better relationship with food and taking control over your way of eating. Best of luck with your future fasts!
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 13:05
That's great @britney- well done :like: :heart:
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 15:44
It's amazing how much one pound can do for your confidence, keep on!
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 16:04
I think what's great about this WOE (for me) has been that it seems to have reduced my urge to binge over time. Now I know some people say they don't have that, but after I'd been on 5 2 a few weeks the urge to eat chocolate and other 'rubbish' definitely diminished - and I was a real binge eater before. And that has remained and I seem satisfied with just a small bit of something (whereas before I'd have eaten the lot). Someone said to me the other week 'what can't you eat?' and I said 'nothing' - I just don't seem to want to eat in the quantities I once did. So keep at it and congrats on the pound off! :-)
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 16:25
I think a lot of us went kind of wild for our first few weeks. Then you get used to it, and you start to learn about eating "normally" - like a person who doesn't gain weight. Reading "Don't Go Hungry For Life" by Amanda Sainsbury-Salis, Ph.D. might be very helpful.

I have two goals on this way of eating: (1) lose weight and (2) learn to eat like a normal person who doesn't have to count every calorie, who can go out to dinner or go to parties and who doesn't gain weight doing these things. 5:2 is helping with the first one, and Dr. Salis is helping with the second :-)
Re: Deeeelighted!
04 Mar 2014, 17:27
Thanks everyone, I am really motivated now :) I'm so happy I found this lovely forum with everyone being so supportive! Really makes the difference :)
New to forum
04 Mar 2014, 17:34
Hello all
I have been on 5:2 for about 4 weeks and have been really surprised at how much I like it! I had both feet stuck firmly in the 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' camp and have been genuinely surprised at how quickly I haver made the transition to 2 meals a day when fasting!
I also find that I look forward to my fasting days too! and I have lost half a stone!! Bonus
Re: Deeeelighted!
05 Mar 2014, 04:16
Welcome to you as well @ellielorenzo !
Re: Deeeelighted!
05 Mar 2014, 05:01
You sound so motivated britney! Well done!
And hi to@ellielorenzo ! X
Re: Deeeelighted!
05 Mar 2014, 06:44
Well done Britney, keep up the good work :like:

Welcome, Ellie :smile:
Re: Deeeelighted!
05 Mar 2014, 07:04
Well done
Re: Deeeelighted!
05 Mar 2014, 07:23
Good job britney well done the thing to remember it really is a learning curve until you work out what suits you best.I'm just restarting after a a nearly 6 months so its all new to me again too the thing I realise is you dont have to work it all out straight away there will be days and weeks that are better than others but I'm happy knowing that I will reach a successful balance in the end, good luck and I hope I can be of help on your journey:-)
Re: Deeeelighted!
05 Mar 2014, 07:41
So pleased for you @Britney if feed days are a bit tricky you may like to think about joining us in the ADF tent (we are few in number!) and try fasting every other day. I've found it to be the easiest way to fast yet ;)

Glad you've found us xx

Bean :smile:
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