The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Well today Ive been to see my nurse for yearly review of blood pressure.
Its all good Im happy to say. Was measured....I think a have shrunk a couple of inches she says Im 5'2" ( its that favourite number combination we all like so much) then weighed me and I clocked the raised eyebrows... Wow you lost a fair bit what have you been doing.. So I explained and she was full of praise especially when she said thats 43kg so my scales at home have weighed me a little wrong 4kg less so theres my delight. I also had blood taken and have to ring next friday for some results . I will be waiting on tender hooks .Hope everyone is having good fasting days and the newbies are all reading the stories and experiences.
Have a great weekend everyone :-)
Great news, well done :)
Lol, maybe you shrunk because you were cringing at being weighed? My height seems to go between 5'1 and 5'2 for that reason! But that's wonderful news!
Wow. Congratulations :heart: :victory: :victory:
Nice one. Well done :victory:
That's great to hear - well done & keep up the good work!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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