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Brilliant result, so happy for you!
Maintenance includes mindfulness and you've really caught the trick of it, so keep an eye on those carb/protein/fat stats, protein could be up to 50-60g-ish and carbs 50-100g-ish in maintenance. You can always knock them back if things increase :0)
Best of luck honey!
Thank you for all your nice comments - yes, maintenance is going to be a bit of a challenge as I'm so used to trying to lose weight. Looking forward to reading the maintenance topics to get a few ideas! I like the idea of doing 5:2 so I'll start by increasing calorie intake on the other days and take it from there - the scales will soon let me know how I'm doing!
Still waiting to try Thai food - we were in a group of 30 people going out today for a set menu lunch and according to the information that had been sent to us there weren't any fish items on it. However, when we sat down the waiter brought us a more detailed menu and we noticed that apart from the steamed rice and the coconut jelly dessert every other item was cooked in a coconut and fish sauce. Unfortunately I am allergic to fish, so we spoke to our hosts and explained that unfortunately we would have to leave - they were very understanding. Just meant more food for everyone else!
:like: :like: :like: CONGRATULATIONS :like: :like: :like:

A very well done to you. :star: I can just imagine how fantastic you must feel. It will be many, many months before I am remotely slim but I can't wait to get there and feel as you do.

:clover: :clover: :clover: Good luck with maintenance :clover: :clover: :clover:
Just reached my lowest weight in ten years - 122.0 lbs! I don't want to go any lower but hope to hover around 125 lbs. That's until winter then the plan is to keep under 130 lbs.
Well, I can't believe it but my weight has continued to drop and today I weigh the same as I did on my Wedding Day over 33 years ago and I'm 21 lbs lighter than when I started 5:2 at the end of April. Clothes in general are floating around but what is really amazing is that no one apart from my husband has commented that I have lost weight! I attend regular coffee mornings and congratulate various ladies who belong to a Slimming World Group who update me on their weight loss, but the only feedback I get is that 'It's all right for you, you don't need to lose weight'! Still pleased I followed my doctor's advice last December to lose 14 lbs - thank you 5:2.
That's super, Im really pleased for you but what a shame no one has noticed, maybe some new fitting clothes would help.
Well done@galexinda. :like: it's funny how some people notice and others do not. I lost a similar amount to you and occasionally I told people and they were surprised - quite a few responded, well you carried that weight well, where were you hiding it? Might be cos I lost evenly all over and ended up one dress size smaller? Anyhow enjoy your great accomplishment. :cool:
Congrats, galexinda!
Thank you Lizbean for your comments because I have only gone down one dress size overall and I still go to the size 14 clothes racks first whereas now I am a comfortable size 12. My overall hip measurement has hardly changed but my thighs are no longer tree trunks and this is noticeable when I wear trousers or shorts. Also I prefer to wear loose clothes rather than body fitting styles, so maybe all these years people have been guessing, but I no longer see myself as a cube with two legs, two arms and a head! I certainly don't want to lose any more as there are quite a few upper arm wrinkles in evidence - now for some toning exercises.

It's a real boost to my stick-to-it spirit to read about your progress. You've done a fantastic job and what an inspiration for the rest of us! Obviously there are tons of people here who are impressed with your loss -- too bad others around you can't see and say as well. Hope you got your Thai dinner!

Hi Dee
I had to follow a strict regime in 1999 when I was trying to find out which foods caused food intolerance/allergy symptoms and other items eg antibiotics, chemicals, fish products that caused a severe allergic reaction. As I was paying for this treatment I knew there was no point doing it unless I followed the exact instructions. Keeping a food diary, excluding and then slowly re-introducing certain foods over a period of 6 weeks combined with treatment sessions and following the Hay Diet meant a lot of commitment - and the outcome was very educational and beneficial. I still practice some of the 'rules' to date eg I am intolerant to wheat products so I make sure I don't eat wheat more than once in 4 days.

So, when I started 5:2 (must admit I began in January but it didn't even last 3 days) I waited until I was mentally prepared and motivated as I know I am easily side tracked. Luckily I have no family commitments and my husband is now following the eating plan but not 5:2ing and he has lost 15 lbs. gone are the days when he insisted on an evening meal just because it was the evening. Most days we eat a late lunch and that's it for the day.

I didn't get the chance to try Thai food - the menu said no fish was used in the preparation of the food, but when we got to the restaurant we were informed that most items were cooked in a fish sauce. Just the smell of that would have made my tongue swell so we had to make a rapid departure!
Just a quick update with a summary of the past few months. My weight bottomed out at approx 115 lbs and goes up to about 118 - 119 lbs but I just record my weight at the beginning of each month. No longer calorie counting apart from checking new items and a daily 30 - 45 minute walk is still my only form of exercise. Number of fast days (eating up to 500 cals) varies according to the scales as I am eating more due to the cooler weather - so much easier when it's hot and sunny. Will power is pretty good with the occasional lapse and the only way of not eating something is not to have it in the house! I've gone off chocolate but now have a huge liking for crunchy peanut butter - once a jar is opened it lasts maybe 2 - 3 days. So, yes, the title of this topic still applies with the added bonus that recent thyroid function tests have shown an overall drop from 9.3 to 6.3 without any medication and the doctor is happy to leave well alone, so I'm putting that down to being a health benefit of 5:2.
inspiring - especially for a smally like me. Looking to get to your weight and 17lbs to go - feels like it will take forever
Hang in there Teddy Bear! You are doing great! I'm in my first week and it was hard man. I even went to the movies and out to eat but still managed to loose. I'm fasting today.....but will workout later. However, my class isn't till 6:15pm, so I will eat before it. :) I think the first week is the hardest, once you get that under your belt, it's just a matter of getting through it. You can do it! :grin:
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