The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

8 posts Page 1 of 1
12 Mar 2014, 08:00
Lost 1 lb this week :grin:
All in its been 5 lbs in 2 weeks, been a long time since ive had results like this
Really pleased with this as my Sunday night fast went more like feast lol took my 500 up to around 900
Tuesday fast day was better and with the weather changing its been good to get out more walks and a bit more active

Got a good feeling ive finally found something that I can maintain doing as I feel good about only counting calories 2 days and I found the 4th fast slightly easier, so I have hope it does get easier in time

Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 09:21
Well done @Meadow43 Great result which will provide you with motivation to carry you onwards yes they do get easier and we occasionally go above our 500cals but this WOL is very forgiving and as we're not depriving ourselves of anything at all making it sustainable in the long term for people like me with lots to lose, like you I love doing it and find it so easy apart from a little "blip" lately I've been on a high for 10 months because I feel great. :heart: Sue
Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 10:02
Fantastic news! I too am delighted - I also weighed in this morning to find I'd lost 5lb since starting 5:2 two and a half weeks ago. I've done 5 fasts so far and they seem to be getting easier. So pleased that I've found something I can sustain. My weight has gradually crept up from under 10 stone (most of my adult life) to 11 st 7lbs over the last 4 years. Think my job (teaching) and age (37) are to blame, plus the fact that I love food!! Am determined to get back to my fighting weight of 9st 12lbs by August, as I'm chief bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding. As well as the 5:2, I've given up crisps, and alcohol Monday to Friday. Am also trying to squeeze in 5 days of cardio each week. So far it seems to be paying off... 11st 2 today and actually looking forward to my fast day tomorrow. Am glad that I've found this forum as reading everyone else's success stories is giving me added incentive. Good luck everyone!! Xxx
Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 10:40
Well done to both of you :clover: :like:
Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 12:13
Well done @Meadow43 :victory: :heart: and @Bhunachick :victory: :heart:
Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 12:50
Its a bit mind blowing when you find something that at a deep level makes so much sense and very liberating to go against so much ingrained perceived wisdom and do what feels right for you. For many, many years I knew that going cold turkey with food would be so much easier than constant calorie counting, sins counting etc. Yet it was considered bad for you, even dangerous, yet now I've found fasting, I can't see me ever giving it up.
Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 13:08
Well done both of you. You have both lost above average for this WOL so don't get downhearted if it slows down a bit - even small losses add up in the long run.
Re: Delighted
12 Mar 2014, 14:13
Good for you! Those kind of results just motivate you to keep on going don't they?
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