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Delighted or Disappointed?

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28 Jun 2014, 18:20
I have reach my first waist measurement goal of 40 inches. My actual measurement was 39 so I am very happy. I think the half my height my waist should be 32.5 inches so well on my way there :grin: Thanks to everyone and to @Pennyforthem and @CBlasz for organising the challenges and helping to get me there and to @Julieathome for being my buddy.
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 18:29
Oh, that is marvellous news @Brand-ie!

Am so thrilled for you....and you so deserve this success too! Have followed your progress with interest and it is clear you have absolutely embraced this WOL!

Hearty congrats and best wishes for the future too - I know you will get there!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 18:32
Well done @Brand-ie. That'll be another box ticked then!
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 18:42
Onwards and downwards @brand-ie. You'll get there. I did, 46" to 33"
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 18:44
Well done there. Goals are there to encourage us. A celebration dance is definitely in order here,
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 19:14
Congratulations Brand-ie. That is a marvellous goal to aim for.
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 19:42
That's brilliant news @brand-ie
You've done absolutely fantastically :grin:
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 20:06
Congrats to you on reaching your interim waist-ie goal :wink: @brand-ie - that is some going :like: . I agree the challenges are really helpful :clover:
Re: DeLighted
28 Jun 2014, 20:41
Yay! Congratulations B! X :like:
Re: DeLighted
29 Jun 2014, 13:47
Thanks for your lovely encouraging replies. Today I have been out to Dinner with my Grandparents to the local Harvester was lovely so won't need much tea and was good with the dessert I had too. :wink: I wore my new size 16 dress from Yours ( so a larger 16) but it was still good to wear a 16 rather than a 20/22
Re: DeLighted
29 Jun 2014, 14:37
Well done @Brand-ie A great milestone reached
Onwards + Downwards in every direction for you my girl your hard work has really paid you off :like: :heart: :clover:
Re: DeLighted
30 Jun 2014, 09:42
I bet you looked lovely in your new dress @brand-ie - well done!

Seeing the dress size numbers going down is such a tangible sign of your success, isn't it? Totally thrilling, in fact. Glad you had a nice meal too! It's great that this WOL allows us to have the best of both worlds, isn't it?

Keep up the good work! Xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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