The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

9 posts Page 1 of 1
29 Jan 2015, 02:34
I can't believe I'm in over two weeks and still feeling strong. I'll tell you a secret, I haven't been able to stick to anything this long since 1994. Seriously.
Re: Delighted!!!
29 Jan 2015, 03:42
:victory: Congratulations!!!! That's fantastic :-)

Well I know exactly what you mean. I've been sticking with this for TWO YEARS (I do take breaks for vacations and from Thanksgiving to New Years). If you had told me I would find a plan I might be able to stick to for the rest of my life, I'd have told you that was impossible.
Re: Delighted!!!
29 Jan 2015, 04:07
Well done, @Marisa!
Re: Delighted!!!
29 Jan 2015, 07:23
Doing really well there, congrats, and keep up the good work.
Re: Delighted!!!
29 Jan 2015, 07:57
Well Done!
Re: Delighted!!!
29 Jan 2015, 08:48

Great, Marisa, I share your joy, it's my own as well.
Started a new way of eating - food combining - in August 2014, switched to fast days in November (and still take in some of the food-combining principles like 5 hours between meals, protein based dinner, not eating after 7 p.m. and so on on feast days). I have never in 51 years been able to sustain a healthy way of eating and drinking for so long. And still very motivated to continue. So again,
let's celebrate :victory:
All the best for your continuing fast journey
Mahalo :heart:
Re: Delighted!!!
29 Jan 2015, 11:52
When you find a good thing - stick with it! X good luck on yr journey towards better health and happiness!
Re: Delighted!!!
30 Jan 2015, 05:41
Way to go @Marissa !!!
I love your dancing girls @Mahalo
Re: Delighted!!!
30 Jan 2015, 06:45
they're cute, aren't they. Smileys make my virtual life happier and more colorful. I pick them in the net and save them to my hard disk. You're welcome to use them as well if you like. (When you click on them you'll see the photobucket-address of my account there.)

Have a nice weekend, delighted fasters
:heart: Mahalo
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