The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Yipee after a long plateau the scales are finally heading in the right direction again. i've lost 3lb this week delighted is a understatment.
For anyone doubting this wol have faith it works. People are beginning to notice the weight loss now and that gives you a huge boost too.
So thankful for this way of eating It's changed my life without a doubt. :victory:
Ahh well done! 3 lb is brill! X all down to yr patience and hard work x
Thats wonderful @Loveleeju How long did your plateau last? I seem to have bean stuck on 11 or 11 something for like EVER (as Jesse Pinkman would say!) but I'm sure it'll be 10:13 tomorrow (she coughs!!)

Anyway, so glad you're back on track. How did you get the 3 pound off, did you add in an extra fast day or were you just careful on feast days?

Bean :shock:
Oh yes @luvleeju - so pleased to hear you are on the move again!

Patience is such a virtue! Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, there are no quick fixes & slow & steady wins the race! Well done you for gritting your teeth and getting on with it - your perseverance is certainly paying off - a 3lb loss is fantastic!

Onwards and we like to say on here!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
The whole of April I would loose a lb following a fast day and then would put it back on I never actually gained each week just stayed the same. I failed the Easter challenge by one measley lb. Thought i'd never get to 11st 10. I'm now 11st 7lbs only started moving since last week.
I have not done anything different still stuck with 5:2 and don't count calories on non fast days.
Anyone who's strugling hang in there. The experts on here kept telling me it will pick up eventually and it has. Feel great :-)
Well done for sticking to it, it's all to easy to lose confidence and start over eating :victory:
Congratulations and well done. Good on you for sticking to your guns and continuing. It paid off in the end. :like:
Thanks so much for saying that @Loveleeju I guess there are a few of us (me included) who think we'll NEVER get under a certain weight. I'll just be patient and see what happens. Well done for sticking with it...its certainly working for you now isn't it.

Awwww Candy! What a beautiful lovely to see you!

LUVLEEJU wrote: Yipee after a long plateau the scales are finally heading in the right direction again. i've lost 3lb this week delighted is a understatment.
For anyone doubting this wol have faith it works. People are beginning to notice the weight loss now and that gives you a huge boost too.
So thankful for this way of eating It's changed my life without a doubt. :victory:

Nice one.
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