The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Here's my penny's worth (get it? :wink: )

yes, you need to drink water so you don't get constipated, which can be another reason you're not doing as well as you want.

There have also been quite a few threads where posters haven't fasted for a week or two, then gone back to it and reported success. You may care to try that, too.

Now, 47 weeks seems a long time and yes, you will be 2 stones lighter, but also much more confident in yourself because of it.

BUT it is ONLY one day and your fiancé obviously loves you very much AS YOU ARE, so don't beat yourself up. Which would he rather have - the 'real' you, or a stressed, thinner version of you. I bet I know.

So, de-stress MrsGtobe and it will happen. x
All good advice which you are going to take on board - good on ya!
Actually, if you have been getting away with no headaches that is amazing in itself as generally speaking not taking in enough fluid often results in headaches, and people often have headaches when starting this WOE. You have been working out too and not taking on enough fluid so your body has been coping with that as well as the reduction in calories.

Keep at it (I know you will) you now have so many options to try to get your body to co-operate.
PennyForthem wrote: Here's my penny's worth (get it? :wink: )

You need to give up your day job, you are wasted...... with your hidden comedy talent :lol:
It has been a week since your last. How are you going?

I wasn't too sure in the beginning either but this forum and one particular post by Caroline helped to clarify it. Now I am enjoying 5:2 and feel that it is the right WOE for me.
I also think that just looking at the number of people who post on here and the amount of weight they have lost (over a varying amount of time but none of it super speedy) should tell you that eating like this (and trying not to stress about it too) works. It really does and I have been fat since the age of 9. Closer than ever before to becoming 'not fat'.....! But you have to stick with it - slow as it can be. Good luck!
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