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Delighted or Disappointed?

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My first attempts at 5:2 were great - good consistent weight loss without really trying too much.
Fell off the wagon last winter and have been struggling since.
Loss not nearly as much per fast as before - but mainly I am very very constipated!
Fasting does not appear to be agreeing with me this time round and I feel that my body is responding negatively to the lack of food and everything has shut down to preserve reserves.

You need to eat plenty of green vegetables & salads for fibre and eating a tangerine or two might help shift the constipation and don't forget to drink plenty of water too. Many of us have had this problem.....tangerines do it for me! Stick with it @Sam I am it works. :cool:
I did experience fasting fatigue, post Christmas myself. Wasn't able to fast to lose those last pesky pounds. This has forced me to look at what I eat beyond fasting. Low carb way of eating helped me maintain without fasting, and I'm losing some fat too (I tape measure myself).

I think fasting is a great tool, if done occasionally. Prolonged fasting, even if it's done for only 2 days a week, but over a long period of time, is exhausting to the body. We actually need to look at how to feed ourselves properly, to not gain weight, instead of looking at how not to eat.

It's not how much we eat (to certain extent of course) that matters, but what we eat. It seems that calorie is not a calorie and different food produce has different effects on our bodies.

Good luck!
I guess the 5:2 experience is different for everyone. I still find that two fast days(600 cals)works great for me. I dont find it exhausting at all. Gorba, I think you make a great point that what we eat is important and maybe it's a combination of things such as a balance of protein, fat and carbs along with fiber and probiotics that can make a difference in how we fair on 5:2.
Quote..."we actually need to look at how to feed ourselves properly, to not gain weight, instead of looking at how not to eat."
I think there's a lot of truth in this@gorba..good point well made!
It's actually what i need to start remembering on non fast days..which i am now trying to think of as "replenish" days coz have fallen into terrible habit of eating too much of the wrong things on non fast days. So,thanks for that x :like:
I agree with @brougham tho..fasting isn't exhausting ..or anyway no more exhausting than carrying excess weight..from what ive read, fasting is just mildly stressful to the system x
Come to think of it I used to think I got constipated, but it only happened when I didn't eat much bulk. I do have a good digestive system and it's usually a good sign for me as I'm not actually constipated, I've just not eaten much food.
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